Monday, April 13, 2015

EWJ #87 Happy Birthday to Me...

Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #87
© 2014 Rev. David Seacord
October 19, 2014
Welcoming 66….

Yep, I finished my 66th year of life this past Friday, so, being I can now claim the entire year, I AM officially 66.  Facebook gave me a wonderful cyberparty.  I appreciated that.  It is a wonderful time to be alive, and I am grateful that I am.  As many of you probably laughingly know, I am still very much a child at play in the universe, though my play may at times be very passionate and FOR truth, and justice, and Freedom.  Sure, sometimes hard knocks phase me, but I bounce back!  I see it as a 'spirit' thing… I mean, your 'spirit' IS your Life, correct?  If you were to use the old Satan & Hell paradigm, what the Devil wants to kill is your 'Spirit', right?  And what is this 'Spirit'?  I'd say it is our Knowing that Love is REAL (and that ol' man fear is not).  Afraid to die absolutely equals afraid to live, but our true Spirit is neither.  Therefore, my commitment is to Live Fully.  Please come out and play!  :-)

That's about all I am going to write today, because I have something else to share with you via youtube.  A wonderful friend sent it to me this morning, and I immediately watched all 49 minutes of it.  You can watch either the back or the front first.  For about 10 minutes or so at the end, you get Gregg Braden recontextualizing our current reality.  What he says is super right on.  It's a must see/listen.  Before he's on the screen though, a lot of very important information about the world and our times is also presented via variously woven clips.  So however you digest it, please eat the meal, as this knowledge EMPOWERS OUR TRUE SPIRIT.   In other words, we're here as lightworkers… part of the job is not living with our heads in the sand… we gotta know this stuff, or, we get to live in an illusion that is not real.  No power there.  

Here's the link: 
The video is titled:  Money, the Ultimate Consciousness Pacifier.  

See you next week, God Willing.  

Namaste, and Sat Nam…


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Addition links to other writings, websites, etc:

Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

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