Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Bitten By the Heart

Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #95
©2015 Rev. David Seacord
April 19, 2015
Bitten By the Heart

Bitten By the Heart

The Godness is closer to me in the morning,

at least it seems that way.

Probably the truth is

the truth just the same

at every moment


sometimes i/we can see it 

and sometimes i/we can't.

Being blind is not something that 

it is easy to be aware of.

Even so, in the morning

sometimes the truth about myself

is 'just there'

in a kind of shocking way. 

O My God… i was wrong? 

(stomach churns horrendously, nauseatingly, at the thought of it…)

but the realization that 

once AGAIN i had believed falsely

in myself, and in my own mind, 

and that i had ignored my heart…

o that is rightfully painful to see…

just as painful as seeing how deep the pattern

of believing the mind is EVERYWHERE

in this our only world.  

A successful life… what is that?

Is it about doing?

or is is about being?

Will i on my death bed face 

wishing i had only loved you better?


what had me stop?  

the answer bites me in my heart… i have taught it so often…

why has it taken so long to learn it myself?

Don't believe your mind.  

But i did…

i let it tell me you were not 'right for me'

that i 'should have something better, newer, different, something else'.

than what?  than the happiness right here? 

when is happiness right here not happiness? 

when is it not the point? 

dylan was prophetic when he wrote (for all of us caught in the trap)…"i threw it all away"

yes, i have also done that so so so so so many times.  

And yet Love continues to Love me.  

She comes again and again in form after form after form…

Can you see me now? she asks… waiting 

only to be received, to be cherished, to be seen.   

How truly insane…to be a teacher of God, of Love, 

yet to say to a love form

"but be different than you are".  




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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

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