Monday, April 13, 2015

EWJ #80 Remembering the 'Not Truth'....

Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #80
© 2014 Rev. David Seacord
July 27, 2014
Remembering the 'Not Truth'...

Hello again, and here's 'what's up inside' 'me' now…may it be a worthy read.

I write this week's Journal to you (again) from my parents 6 acre homestead property on the outskirts of a small 'one grocery store, one gas station, two restaurant' town in eastern Oregon (USA) called Prairie City [which at 1000 +/- people is hardly a city].  As my family first moved into this vastly rural area in 1967 when I was 18 and already 'mostly on my own', I have a long local history of visiting this town---even though I have never actually established my own home here.  However because of the abundant natural beauty abounding here, I've often wondered over the years if I might (someday), and as I have been here working on the family property for the past two weeks, I have found my 'I-mind' still very much engaged with that wondering. 

So…being here now… in the context of the knowledge that my mother will probably never be back to her 'home' here…has been a powerful opportunity to delve into my feeling about both 'my future' and 'this properties future'.  In other words, is this a place of destiny for me? And if yes, of what nature is that destiny? Or conversely, is it best to release it completely and commit to somewhere else? Or is 'the clearest way through' somewhere in-between those choices?  I am clear that there are many wonderful things to be gained from living humbly in a small town situated amidst natural splendors.  I am equally clear that much is unavailable here that a modern semi-citified man takes for granted…many cultural and spiritual influences that I do appreciate.  And I am clear that no one truly knows the future… we can only make the best choices that we can, and these are predicated upon how clear a vision we are able to maintain with stability and commitment.  Thus… in this as in all choice contemplations, quietness of mind becomes a powerful partner.   

In any event, I report I have been doing an 'imagining' process while I have worked upon the needed repairs here… exploring what my purpose would be if I choose this town and this 6 acres as 'home'.  Yesterday at the local county-wide farmers market in John Day (13 miles down valley) I had a discussion with a vendor about what fruit trees could be counted upon to bear at this 3500 foot elevation. (Their word was: apricots--- maybe only once in a decade, but cherries, peaches, apples, pears, plums, and many berries were all a reasonable 'go' for regular bearing…).  Out of that conversation I imagined the hillside orchard I would be able to plant if the water in the irrigation ditch were in good working order.  (This had also been my parents dream…but most of their plantings have died from lack of care…).  And I have remembered how over the years I have also had many thoughts about someday establishing a healing & retreat center here…. the vision being to build among the hillside trees a number of small isolated huts (or even dig caves) that guests could stay in… to mediate and get quiet inside, to fast (perhaps), or to pray, or write, or study.  My mother represents a problem to this idea however… she is opposed to me 'starting a commune' on the property (which is the way she has viewed my past suggestions of this nature).  Perhaps that could be resolved….certainly for a retreat center to be created it would require more labor than I personally could do…and I am increasingly called 'to building community'.   I'm also doing research on the biggest current potential killer of these visionary possibilities locally… that being the 100+ foot high new cell tower on top of the hill behind me.  I certainly have serious concerns from what I have been reading about EMF exposure at close proximity, and it's unknown impact on biological and cellular health.  So that research and it's results could in the end be the 'determining' factor.

Whatever the result of all these explorations in regards to this particular property, simply because the investigation is happening I am being led to the realization that in the near future it could be good to establish 'my home base' somewhere definitively.  I have always been a man of many journeys, yet in my memory the best of them have happened in the context of 'having a home base'… ie, as distinct from 'being perpetually a homeless wandering artist/sadhu' (which yes, you may surmise I have also experimented spiritually/romantically with a few times).  But America is not the same as (for imagined instance) in past lives in India/China/Japan…yes?

Picking up that thread… You of course have probably recognized from my past reports that I have found that the life of a 'wandering american artist-sadhu' has been becoming increasingly problematic, especially from the view of the ease of avoiding legal challenges from law enforcement for simply being somewhere without a known home.  I do remember a different world as a young vagabond/explorer of life in the 1970's and 80's.  Perhaps those memories are inaccurate… perhaps they are a result of then being a young God-intoxicant, and not having yet gone through the more practical integrations that maturity later led me to…  In any event, I currently say that to me 'the American Police State' is hardly imaginary, and that to be able to live with even some freedoms un-waived requires a willingness to take an increasingly  knowledgable stand on certain legal issues.  

And this is (as you already know) another area that I am currently receiving 'training' in…  Today I was discussing with a wise woman friend ---how it has been seeming that BECAUSE I have begun to stand up and say "NO, I challenge this!" each time I of late have run cross-course and into what to me are unlawful (or simply 'unjust') police actions---because of my willingness to act FOR what I hold to be a higher truth… I have been 'making connections' inside my head (ie, getting downloads and ahha's and Yeses!) in regards to what are the true spiritual principalities that 'the Law' is supposed to be based upon.   And as these insights have been seen I have acted in life with less fear and more boldness…because of my convictions.  And then, even more insights are then given.  In other words, because I am being in action, it appears that I am on 'the need to know' list, and information hidden before is being revealed.  This empowerment is exciting and thrilling, actually, even though my survival instincts caution me that 'I could get unwanted attention' from my actions. (But whenever has 'acting upon convictions' not also required courage to grow too?). 

As my friend and I talked, our conversation began to focus on the fear technology that is being covertly and overtly employed by many LEO's (law enforcement officers) to gain our 'compliance and consent' and leave 'we the people' in confusion and disempowerment, and a result, making it easy to 'pickpocket our wallets'.  We both shared a common experience… that each time we encountered an LEO situation, that we were less afraid.  This is to me exactly what The Love Declaration is about… awakening from the fear.  And how else but through practice is this to be accomplished?  Thus, when the idea of creating workshops to practice 'mock LEO (or in court) interactions' came up in our conversation, it excited us both.  What better way to gain the empowering we the people need than to be part of a group practicing how to (lovingly and with all due respect) challenge the inappropriate application of 'law'.  To me, this is a idea worth deeply considering, and I will continue to report to you on its development.  

And a related subject, I was grateful to read this week a Huffington Post open letter to Hilary Clinton from Marianne Williamson.  As you are aware, several weeks ago I encouraged Ms. Williamson to run for US President in this Journal.  Upon not receiving enough votes (in the California District 33 primary) to continue running for Congress, she did not take my advise to announce her own candidacy, and this public letter was the first I'd since heard from her.  It was a good read…Marianne talking straight to Hilary about the truth of the situation in this country, and encouraging Hilary to cut her ties to the status quo powers.  And I must admit, I could also read into it that Ms. Williamson is not unaware that she has 'the option' herself (to run).  The idea does make me smile.  Here's the link:

Ok, to sum up:  to quote Papaji---'if you touch it, it will bite you'.  In the case of the deliberations I have been reporting to you, I get this to mean:  whatever you do, remember it is NOT 'the truth'… it is only a choice…an action in temporality… in phenomena… and as such it is not ever permanent…just as our bodies are not.  All things pass away.  If the box of the mind begins to chew on the bone of a 'problem' obsessively, then remember this. It will light things up.  Yes, we must make choices… that is the nature of being in this world.  Just remember… whatever choice you/I make, the Godness will use that choice---no matter what it is--to lead us home.  

Namaste, & Sat Nam, 


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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

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