Monday, December 16, 2013

EWJ # 54 The Python and The Pig...

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Gaily Dancing Peacockness ©2003 Rev. David Seacord Acrylic on Museum Board, about 20" x 15"

Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #54
© 2013 Rev. David Seacord
December 15, 2013
The Python and the Pig…

In the middle of the week at a farmer's market I had a brief chance conversation with one of my deceased father's friends, a elderly man who appears to have lived a conventionally Protestant religious life.  When he asked how I was doing, I expressed myself by saying "I'm feeling like a python who is swallowing a pig".  He smiled understandingly. What I meant to convey via the metaphor is that life is offering a steady diet of significant challenges, and that in accepting (not resisting) them, I am in a continual state of being 'masterfully and repeatedly' stretched. And I am clearer and clearer that this is exactly the divine intention underlying all the events of our lives… the end of the tunnel being a rebirthing into authentic selflessness.  

There is a line in one of the Sufi prayers that I have had in my life for decades… it goes: "To Thee do we give willing surrender…".   I noticed I choked a bit on that line sometime during this week, enough that it woke me up and prompted a self-inquiry investigation as to where the resistance was.  What I saw resisting was the aspect of my 'I-ness' that still desires this life to be a relatively comfortable experience… you know, where 'The Godness Principle' acknowledges (by his/her blessings bestowed) that I am a wonderful and loving being (and then gives 'me' all the yummies & goodies that go with being that).  

Obviously, being continually stretched does not fulfill that desired comfort aspect of my 'I-ness'; rather, it leads into a new territory well beyond the horizons of that comfortableness.  In this new territory the I-ness of individuality is being discovered (by the now exposed and naked 'me') as increasingly illusionary, and what is concurrently being discovered is just how validly it is replaced by an authentic 'we-ness/Unity' (which carries within it a core invulnerability).  And in my experience (because 'Truth is True' [ACIM]), this we-ness is validating itself as True on a multiplicity of levels… for instance, the we-ness purposefully/intentionally unifies the I-sense with the Godness-sense.  It also unifies the I-sense with the 'other-than-I-sense'.  Further, it transcends and unifies sentient and non-sentient and reveals both as of the same essence.  It disappears all timelines into the impeccability of now-ness.  And, it transforms being stretched beyond comfortableness into 'the Growing Zone, the Way Home to Selflessness'.  

At one point I awoke in the middle of the night with the realization that my desire to stay comfortable by definition made me 'a part of the problem' (i.e., a part of the unconsciousness that sources all the suffering in this world).  I saw that I would only be 'a part of the solution' if I were to be willing to roll up my sleeves and start creating and taking truly effective action to reduce this suffering (of myself, or of 'others-now-recognized-as-myself')…actions that clearly have in the past made me uncomfortable to even contemplate.  Then, I also saw that the real solution/resolution pathway was to completely give up the desire to avoid these challenges…these confrontations with my own remaining inauthenticities…. that these challenges are absolutely required to be faced as I/you/we graduate/transform into what Carolyn Myss calls 'homo noeticus' (the knowing human).  Why? Because (because 'truth is true') the application of Truth must be 'without exceptions'.  My 'I' knows that accessing this level of consistency is the fundamental key to entering 'knowing', and it is to attain this consistency that my 'I' does personal sadhana and compassionate selfless service.    

This knowing state (accessed) demonstrates 1. our reception (receiving) of our inheritance… and 2. it's manifestation: our in-dwelling oneness with the Universal Divinity.  Each oneness who journeys this… this going, going, beyond… beyond the beyond… walks the journey uniquely, yet samely.  As A Course in Miracle so beautifully teaches, "Free will does not mean you(I) can establish the curriculum, it only means you(I) can choose what you(I) are willing to take at a given time".  My own seeing now is that I am compelled by integrity to choose/embrace my curriculum based upon what I am committed to being.  When I am truly committed to being 'all that I am, all that I could be, all that is possibly possible on all possible levels', clearly the universe will respond with accelerated curriculum delivery… designed to produce an I that is fully and functionally trained to be that 'allness'.  

This training begins with the individual mind, which must learn to surrender to the intentionality of the Good behind all appearances, no matter what.  It further must surrender any habits of doubt or desire for anything but what IS, for what IS is 'the curriculum'.  My view is that all spiritual paths ultimately lead to this surrender.  I therefore suggest that if/when-ever you/I are feeling like 'a python swallowing a pig', the appropriate inner state most conducive to growing from the circumstances is Gratitude. That (Gratitude) practice is quite simple:  Follow the breath with attention until the mind quiets, then enter the heart-cave by 'willing surrender'. 

Namaste, & Sat Nam, 



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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

EWJ # 53 Birthing Our Best...

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Meeting my still unnamed godson, who I traveled north to Portland, Oregon to meet this past week... 

Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #53
© 2013 Rev. David Seacord
December 8, 2013
Birthing Our Best…

Question: To the myriad challenges of life in this world, who has valid answers?  

To share the answer I am receiving, the truth is: each of us does.  Is not that why we have lived?…. to learn, and to grow, and to discover and then LIVE/BE 'our answers'.  Perhaps we do not have answers for every problem that exists, but for at least some of them we do.  Is this not self-evident?  And can you/I not see that the answer we do have to whatever it is that we recognize needs upgrading/transforming would be (at the least) a major improvement on what is so now?  If we tell the truth to ourselves, we must admit this is so.  Yes?  In our areas of expertise, we KNOW this….

Then I ask, if that is so, what are the justifications we/I use to withhold the contributing of those visions, insights, and inspirations to our greater community, knowing we act for the purpose of increasing the wellbeing of all life?  Why do we so often not act?  What stops us from being the greatest contributor that we could be?  

There are many individual answers to that, yes, yet they all boil down to the same thing.  Fear. For some reason, we are afraid to.  What we are afraid of is very individual---fear of loss, fear of exposure, fear of facing our unworthiness, fear of our past catching up with us, fear of commitment, fear of being loved, fear of not surviving, fear of being laughed at, fear of the responsibility of such leadership, and fear of failure (to name a few).  

And what is the truth about these fears?  Are they real?  

If your/my answer is 'yes', then may I suggest that we must recognize our commonality….that each of us has a great many of them… that normally, none of us in this embodiment holodeck is/are completely fearless.  In this we are amazingly similar… we are all born into and are the inheritors of conditions and conditionings of fear.  And our relationship to and our choices in regards to this prevalent condition inevitably shapes our life.  

If your answer is 'no', that these fears are not real…then may I suggest we must recognize that each of us---somewhere in our depths--- KNOWS that this is also True.  However, that (as the acronym underlines) F.E.A.R. is a 'false evidence appearing real' does NOT mean that we normally experience the appearance of our fear structures fearlessly. Even when we have learned to handle (through honest practice) certain levels of our fear structures, even when we know that that means that the Universe will certainly soon test us to see exactly how deep our realization of our true freedom actually is, my suspicion is that most of us will find (through the surprise of a direct experience) that we are normally quite unaware of how deeply the tap-root of our fear structure has rooted itself into our basic identity sense.  I suggest that it is in those revelatory moments of stripped naked exposure that we see our own arrogance and bluffery toward life most clearly.  This is great good news, for in those moments, our compassion for our human predicament has a huge opportunity to grow.  And as a result, our kindness towards ourselves and others also grows, yes?  

I can testify that in my own life journey, the central question under all appearances has always been: In this moment, in this _____ situation, will I choose Love?, or Fear? Culturally, our default conditioning is to bow to our fears, and be controlled by it/them. This is reinforced thousands of times a week via the messages of this worlds mainstream culture to our minds.  We are told there is no other reasonable choice, that to choose Love instead is a personal suicide. Given this, it is usually the result of (what I would call) a grace given miracle that we ever transcend ourselves enough to choose to authentically Love.  Yet in a world of billions, at least millions now are. And those millions are being the living inspiration for even more millions to also throw their cast, their lot, for Love…no matter the personal consequence. 

This choice is alway central, whether it is about some external situation or some internal challenge.  In my experience, both are of equal importance, for Unity of Being eventually requires I/you/us to see that actually, neither the external or the internal is really real…. that those distinctions are in reality only points on a continuum of awareness that is Infinite.  And (it is worth noting) acquiring a view of this continuum of Infinite Awareness requires the prerequisite of recognizing the validity of the Unity of Beingness. It's sort of a 'Catch-22'…

What am I speaking about?  (Perhaps it's a slight digression from my main point, but what) I am saying (again) is that Unity of Being equals AND REQUIRES selflessness, or (said another way) the disappearance of the belief in ourselves as individual separatenesses. How else can I/we/you become fully telepathic--- except by BEING/FULLY FEELING the 'other'.  Except via giving up being a separateness, how else can I/we/you receive 'all knowledge when and as needed', or feel the subtle intuitional lines of guidance continually being offered--- lines that when followed are confirmed again and again by the occurrences of miracles and synchronistic events that clearly open the way to living in greater and greater Light, and deeper Love, and an evermore more authentic maturity?  The doorway to our authentic maturity then is this selflessness.  And the access to that doorway is via facing and breaking/dissolving the grip of our currently active and inherited fear conditioning.

To the question "Is it possible to fully awaken from our fears?" my answer is:Because it is our only true purpose 'here', it is inevitable (eventually, for everyone…and perhaps the only questions remaining after realizing this are: 'how long will that take?, how will it happen?, and will there still be a salvageable planet in existence by then?…).  I sense strongly now that 'the way it will play out' is 'up to us'.  I mean Really.  

Think of it this way…. What exactly is 'heaven'?  Is not 'heaven' a condition of being aware of being so loved that it is impossible to contemplate any fear as 'real'?  Yes?  Is this not what we learned as we studied the teaching given through A Course in Miracles?  I.E., that Love is the all-encompassing truth, and that what is all-emcompassing can have no opposite that is REAL?  And when Donald Shamoda is teaching Richard Bach to walk on water and swim through land (as described in "Illusions, the Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah" by Richard Bach) was he not demonstrating the reversal of all belief systems based upon conditioned limitation of being?  

Further, is this not the actual meaning of the words of Jesus of Nazareth, when speaking that "the truth shall set you free?"  Was not his life a demonstration that no fear-based limit contains any truth?  Did he not say again and again… "Fear not!"

Did not Nio (in The Matrix) simply discover (finally) that (when willing to die, to face his own non-existence) his was the power to SEE that his Thought had the power to alter 'the program', and that therein, in being responsible for THAT, lay true freedom?    Have you/I not read perhaps hundreds of books proclaiming this same truth… that to be responsible for our thinking, our thoughts--- that that is the path to our freedom?  Yes, yes, and yes again…correct?  

To the point of saturation?  I pray the answer is yes to that also….for myself, and for you.  Why?  Because if you/I are/am thus saturated we are ripe, and thus ready for our NEXT growth journey, our next 'initiation'…one that leaves I/you permanently altered, increased, and potent.  

I say to you/myself:  Remember only this---while we have breath, our only true purpose is to Be Love.  There are no exceptions.  

To aid my mind to stabilize in the remembering of my heart (which is where my KNOWING of this purpose lives) I was used many years ago to create and offer this world a thought-form (which I now recognize as 'a thoughtware') called "The Love Declaration".  (To review, visit To have this thoughtware distributed to and functioning in billions of people has always been my dream and idealized vision, yet for decades I have failed to give the full power of my life to this calling.  The reason can only be because I too have continued to listen to 'my' fears.  I have attempted the compromise… to have both fear AND love.  

This compromise is impossible. This I have now the clarity to see (Thank you, Clinton Callahan).  As A Course In Miracles speaks:  The most difficult thing to get about Truth is that it is True. You get this? Yes? Then you/I can no longer expect to live an ordinary life.  Please join me in giving up that thought up completely.  Then please join me is celebrating with honor, the birth of being another life worth living.  Yours & my own.  Say yes to this.  Just do it.  

Namaste,  & Sat Nam….


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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

EWJ # 52 Discovering Deep Maturity...

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A sketch from last summer's walkabout... ©2013 Rev. David Seacord, Acrylic on Paper, about 5" x 10"

Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #52
©2013 Rev. David Seacord
December 1, 2013
Discovering Deep Maturity...

Wouldn't it just be AMAZING to ALWAYS be at peace within ourselves?  I mean, to, no matter what, keep the connection to 
Source/Love/Perfection?  And to be able to SEE, no matter how dark the illusion, that only the Godness is 'the truth of it all'?  

Do you think it is possible?  To learn to navigate masterfully through our emotions, our mentally generated inner conflicts, our confrontations with disease and aging, our self-centeredness… in such a way that despite anycircumstance, we each remain open hearted and fully conscious?  

If your inner answer is 'no' (whatever your public persona says) then I invite you and I (or you and somebody/anybody with a powerful integrity) to set down and begin examining the seemingly endless list of beliefs that created that no.  I suggest we take each one of them into a 'truth room' for a no bullshit very up-close look.  And I suggest we agree that in that 'truth room' we will allow the whole truth of the matter to be exposed.  Publicly (as 'in front of the room'), but in the space of safety also.    

Why publicly?  Because as I have seen hundreds of time in past Landmark work, we need each other to witness and validate our transitions, our releases, our courages.  We need to learn how to be publicly intimate with hundreds or even thousands of other ourselves.  We need this in order to become the compassionate forces for good that the Godness within each of us has been calling for each of us to be our entire lives.   

Do you know why I write this?  Do you know why I each week create this journal?  It is (I am suddenly seeing) so that I am kept 'pressed up against it' (so to speak).  I mean, each of us, in being responsible for our own destinies (both in this incarnation and beyond it too), has to face that to grow into whatever it is that we are capable of being we must sever ourselves from whatever it is within us that would sabotage that best possible destiny from coming into being.  As almost certainly is so in you, I also have a 'no' within me that has anchored me in the world of maya for as long as I have memory.   And it is from within this world of maya that I have listened to the calls of Heaven…. encouraging me to let go… to trust… to face my fears until I can identify their falsenesses, until they cease to have any power over me.  A Course in Miracles calls this 'listening to the Voice for God', and allowing it to be my guide.  It tells me that if I will 'with a little willingness' do that listening, that I will be led to the upper edges of the Maya, close enough to 'Heaven' for the true Grace of the Godness to be able to strike me with a transformational thunderbolt potent enough that there will be no egoic recovery.  

I do not advise that we become addicted to the dream of that magic bullet thunderbolt however. In my experience it will arrive 'in God's timing' only. I wrote a while back about my 'slow enlightenment' realizations… that (like the turtle in the fable) it is the steadily consistent discipline of our sadhanas that produces a fruit worth having.  I remember a simple story a music teacher once told me…  that the difference between someone who masters an instrument and someone who does not is very simple:  In the beginning they both practice and practice and practice and then the breakthrough comes.  They both arrive at a new level.  But then, they like-wise both 'level off'.  The one who becomes the master recognizes that he must continue to practice practice practice (with full attention) for as long as it takes, until the next breakthrough (and the next, and the next).  But the musical dabbler became addicted to the rush of the breakthrough only.  The practicing part becomes boring to him, and his attention wanders.  He wants only the breakthroughs, the rushes.  Soon he stops practicing altogether, seeking something else that promises 'easier rushes'.  

Our 'voice for the Godness' does not normally guide us to the edges of Maya closest to Heaven as directly as possible.  Why?  It would be counterproductive.  If you have ever entered Heaven via drug usage you may have learned this.  Are you still there?  Were you able to stay?  If you are reading this, the answer is undoubtedly no.  Why not?  Because we/I/you were not ready…  we couldn't carry the amperage… there was too much self still within us.  I suggest that only the selfless get to live in Heaven, whether that is an 'on-earth' Heaven, or another beyond-this-dimension one.  

So how do we become responsible for developing our selflessness?  What I am seeing is the first thing we/I/you must learn is to authentically feel our heart.   If you/I/we cannot feel our heart, we cannot hear it's voice.  If we cannot hear it's voice, we are lost in the Maya of our own minds.  And in terms of developing selflessness, I suggest to you that our own mind is our least reliable asset of trustableness.   

Prasad (coaching me on a relationship issue) once gave me two great secrets (applicable everywhere).  He told me "Don't believe your mind".  "And, don't know who 'the other' IS".  You might say, 'Well, if I cannot believe my mind, who can I believe?'  And my answer in this Now is:  your no-mind.  That is, your 'beyond-your-mind'.  Another way to say that is, the silent ever-present awareness of absolute LOVE that is available whenever the mind is silent'.   I have never experienced the guidance of THAT to be untrustable.  I have always experienced THAT to be THE voice of my truest being.  I have always experienced THAT to be who I AM in a way that when followed, I am satisfied that I 'was TRUE to my Self', that I could have done no better, and that I am/was able to be at peace with the outcome.  

This outcome… our own inner peace…is (as A Course in Miracles teaches) the grace that is guaranteed to be given when we finally have learned to place no other gods above THE LOVE (of and for 'the Godness').  This inner peace also contains everything we need to become transformed into perfected, fearless instruments for the Will of Love in this world.  This is so because true inner peace and selflessness are identical.  

Therefore, being responsible for developing our selflessness is being responsible for quieting the Mind/your Mind/my Mind (same/same) (via whatever sadhana-form you/I/we are willing to be committed to).  Individually, as this occurs, our/your/my Knowing expands.  Collectively, as this occurs, our world will know Peace (which is to say, The Love that IS is, remains, and/or becomes, the ever-present experience of all beings).  It is this Possibility of Humanity that we serve, it is this Possibility that calls us to our greatness, our selflessness, our deepest human maturity.  

Namaste, & Sat Nam, 


(PS… a note of deserved credit… without tracing the dots, that these words have come through me in this Now has everything to do with impact of studying the work of Clinton Callahan this week.  I refer you to his work, via his YouTube videos [starting with the cartoons], and

(PSS… as this is EWJ #52, it is apparently a year since these weekly sharings began.  Thank you for receiving them into your lives.)


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Addition links to other writings, websites, etc:

Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

EWJ #51 Just Ask for It!

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A view of the Idaho Sawtooth Mtns, from the Stanley to Loman Rd.  photo credit/D. Seacord

Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #51
© 2013 Rev. David Seacord
November 24, 2013 
Just Ask for it!  

Recently I recognized what I've been doing this entire lifetime (in a way that sort of startled me--- as I'd never seen myself in that light before).  I realized that what I 'do' is 'I ask questions'.  I don't usually do it in ways that are demanding or threatening or anything… I just am (still) a deeply curious child inside myself, and somehow (and my parenting is significant here) the habit of that curiosity never became 'suppressively conditioned out of me' by our societal institutions.  Somehow I escaped being driven insane by the madness of the world...  Somehow my heart managed to stay alive and sensitive…

In any event, as a result I've always viewed a lot of things differently than the sleeping masses.  In recognizing this, there have often been survival choices to make.  I entered the 'counter culture' quickly and easily when I first encountered it at age 18 (as a sophomore transfer into the University of Oregon) which at that time was 'the second Berkeley of the west coast'.  Given the cultural permission, I experimented widely on my path to self-discovery.  In many ways, that social experimentalism replaced my academic interests.  I see now it was all guided.  I have found my way to HERE, yes?  

The big questions living within me now (for the last few years) haven't been so much about myself or my personal successes… this is in part because I KNOW I will always be taken care of (as long as I can remember that's always been my deal with God)… No, the big questions have been about "But how do I make anyreal difference in the insanity surrounding me everywhere?".  I have known I have a calling--- I feel it whenever I feel another suffering--- but I have often not had the courage to act upon my convictions for fear of 'being singled out'.  I have hidden in the safety of anonymity.  

But these days I feel I am increasingly being 'called out', and somehow by grace, I am finding the strength to step forward (many times albeit haltingly), both into my fears, and then, beyond my fears.  I am clear I am being supported in this… there are just too many synchronistic moments occurring for it to be otherwise.    This week the two most noticeable such moments arrived by email….  The announcement that Marianne Williamson is running for a seat in Congress… and Brad Blanton's reprint of his friends Clinton Callahan's article on Being a Planetary Leader…. (   

The two arrivals were like marching orders to me… left, right, eyes straight ahead & forward. 

What can I say except I am inspired and thrilled about Marianne's announcement.  She is (to me) one of the most brilliant lights living on this planet, and if anyone carries within themselves the possibility of transforming the ways of our self-serving US Government, I must believe she does. I will offer her every support I am able to.  I believe her mission is of vital importance.  I invite you to do the same, wherever you live. 

However, the 'right hook' punch was Callahan's article.  I cannot remember when I have read such a succinct and clear distinctions in regards to what our condition upon this planet actually is.   For copyright reasons I am not including it within this Journal, but what I have to say from this point onward will not make sense if you  do not follow the link above and read it.  Please do that now… then return and finish here….  

What I learned many years ago from Werner Erhard was "Mastery is the power of distinction".  Callahans article is full of profoundly powerful ones.  

*Why politicians are not 'leaders'.  
*Why corporations are not 'leaders'.  
*What leadership actually is.  
*What the cost of you and I abdicating our leadership in this world has become.  *Why I am clearly a heretic (and you, dear reader, are most likely one too…)

Thank You God for this article… this SELF-EVIDENT clarity that just strips the illusions and the confusions away!  Thank You God for the 'of course!' ahaaaa's… 

Now I can give up even trying to pretend I am NOT a heretic!  Of course I am one!  From the view of the insane world ANYONE who is sane is by definition a heretic.  And here's the thing…

Once that is clear, suddenly a huge amount of energy is freed… because there is no longer any energy being used to appear to other's different that you are/I am…and what arises then is… the call to responsible action.   This is what Christ meant in his reference to 'be not like a light under a basket--- be like one blazing upon a hilltop!'  

Responsible actions are what true leaders do… and those actions can be in thousands of forms… they can be creative artistic expressions, they can be the effort of researching questions that the truth be known, they can be inspirational, they can be the offer to heal any other.  Whatever form they take, responsible actions are guided by a great love--- of all life, of each other as sacred, of this moments opportunity to serve all beings to awaken.  It is not ours to judge any longer what difference might be created as we follow our true heart calling us into this leadership.  As ACIM makes clear, that is not our concern.  Our only concern is to offer by our actions the miracle of our Love.  That which guides our lives shall also guide our released Love into the lives of those ready to receive it.  

It is a chain of light we weave.  In it, none are better or worse. None are above or below.  All are a part of the chain.  All are essential.  Please arise to this.  It is the time.  




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Addition links to other writings etc:

Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

EWJ # 50 Giving it all up to Love...

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Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #50
© 2013 Rev. David Seacord
November 19, 2013
Giving it all up to Love….

Hello, & Namaste, a couple of days 'late'….  

First thing to celebrate with you is the arrival of the gorgeous soul that you see above… my 'godson' (due to the instrumental part I played in bringing his parents into each others lives).  'BabyBliss' arrived last Thursday, November 14, in Portland, Oregon and I am feeling immensely blessed that he is now here with us.  For some intuitive reason I feel certain a great soul has been born, and that I have a karma with him that will unfold over the coming years.  As far as I know no name has yet landed upon him.  I have mentioned in recent journals that I have been planning to make a brief trip soon to Portland to personally welcome him… that will happen shortly after Thanksgiving….. Although there has been no conversation about it yet with his parents, recently I realized that when I am there my real function then will be 'to anoint' and 'to consecrate' the wholeness of God within him that he IS…   


I arrived back in Yuma yesterday afternoon from my month in New Mexico, expecting to share 36 hours (before her return flight) with my visiting-Mom-from-the-east-coast dear sister (#3) who was born next after me, and who was my constant childhood companion.  I haven't seen her since my father's 2010 transition.  And I then discovered that another sibling sister (#5) had also arrived to join the visiting…  So it was suddenly a family reunion time… full of conversations about our shared past and Mom's impact upon each of us, in part affected by our placements in the family lineup.  Because they will both leave tomorrow (Wednesday) morning, today is actually our families 'Thanksgiving' opportunity.  And…. my opportunity (at her request) to lead my sister in her very first yoga class.  I am looking forward to the blessing of doing that….   


During this past weekends traveling, I laid-over for 24 hours mid-way on the journey home, out in the windswept high mesas of northeastern Arizona near Snowflake and Showlow… traditional Apache and Navajo painted desert country.  But this area also happens to be the home territory of a two longtime good friends (who didn't know each other until now) who have both been generous with their welcoming invitations over the years.  In accepting those invitations on this journey, I found myself bringing them together and we all attending two Sunday spiritual events at seemingly opposite ends of the spectrum…. One was a late afternoon Sufi community gathering where we shared Dances of Universal Peace, and a potluck afterwards.  It was located at a very rural but impeccably constructed off-grid homestead several miles down bumpy barely maintained and street-signless dirt roads.  Almost everyone else of the 25 people attending lived similarly off-grid and in relatively inaccessible locations too--- in fact the whole area is full of 'hippie back-to-the-landers" who arrived 20 to 30 years ago and who have built beautiful alternative community-full lives for themselves there.  It was a good feeling fit for my spirit... and I found in the experience a deep appreciation of the commitment that is required to chose this type of lifestyle.  My LPN/mid-wife/herbalist/healer hostess had also built her own very unique strawbale home and (for me) using her guest quarters was akin to being given the beloved cave a Himalayan saint to use…. 

The other spiritual event I/we found myself at (at the invitation of my other friend's inquiry if I'd like to 'go to church' with she and her husband) was a Pentacostal-orientated Christian worship service, where many in the congregation were quite unabashed in their expressions of devotionally praising Jesus (especially musically), where at least one man was openly wearing a holstered pistol on his belt (that no one paid any attention to), and where the passionate preaching of the 30-something blue-jeaned and untucked-in shirted pastor was full of references to the spiritual war being waged upon this Earth between the Savior Jesus and Satan the deceiver.  Theologically, it was not really 'my usual cup of tea', but…I am still digesting the experience, mining it for the insights and treasures it contains for me.  Yes, in the past there have been plenty of times that I have out-of-hand simply rejected paradigms of this nature, but… hopefully I am now wiser than then, and understand the deeper 'lawfulness' of much that seems incomprehensible.  

One of the insights I have seen is that both experiences were within communities that shared lovingly with each other….  In other words, it didn't matter that the values and belief systems that were being believed were polar opposite, the human expression within each community was to be loving to each other inside of the affinity created by the shared belief system.  This phenomena is similar to seeing (in a war situation) that the supposed 'enemies' that one is warring against are actually 'just like us'…. human beings who simply seek to live the lives that their beliefs tell them are correct and 'right'.  

Obviously it is a form of insanity to be at war at any level with others that are essentially ourselves.  No amount of justifying such ways of being within the mind will ever be able reverse our knowing that this is not being True to Love.  It is not 'the easy path'... to be a peacemaker in a world full of war.  Yet, my seeing is it is the only path that offers a return to the sanity of Love.  Clearly the true journey of the peacemaker must begin within our own hearts, and with the consistent practice of forgiveness.  We must forgive both ourselves and others to the depth that we are able to discover that both are illusions.  It is a deep mystery… that forgiveness and selflessness are the same thing.  I believe it is a very good target to place upon the alter of our heart.  In this, I am like you, using this moment to practice being true….

Namaste, & Sat Nam…


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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag