Thursday, April 18, 2013

#20 A Brand New View

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"A Brand New View" ©2013 Rev. David Seacord 16" x 20" Acrylic on Canvas

Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #20
© 2013 Rev. David Seacord
Sunday, April 14, 2013
A Brand New View...

The essence of a true adventure is that there is no pre-knowing…thus meeting the unknownness gives one an opportunity to discover the True Self authentically….

(Sunday evening)…It was late last night (Saturday), after four days of immersion into the Kundalini Yoga culture at the Sat Nam Fest event (that I shared in EWJ #19 that I would be attending) that I realized I had not even remembered that I write aweekly Sunday morning blog, due to be sent in a few hours.  Given the impossibility of creating a decent last minute entry due to my commitments as a festival volunteer staff member, I chose to peacefully place 'the problem' in God's hands.  Take that as indication of the degree that I had entered another reality, and had ceased multitasking the different roles of my 'normal' life.  

The Festival itself is now over (ending late this afternoon, then an intense flurry of dismantling as the sun lowered) but I am still on the grounds until the morning, and just now (while taking a breather) I am beginning to feel the return of personal affairs into my consciousness.  And, I since have found electricity too (something that wasn't available [to me] in the camp area or the big top that the events were held in) I am online for the first time in many days, and busy getting 'something worth reading' created to send to you….  

(Tuesday evening-- still creating).  As I said last week, everything is 'curriculum'.  This report is to confirm that this Sat Nam Fest experience was the kind of transformational curriculum I was (in one sense) 'completely unprepared for', while (in another sense) the view could be that I have been preparing for it for a very long time.  My official version is that God snookered me… getting me to 'go for' the ego lure (the music was what attracted me) and then clobbered the 'me' of my ego/me right up to the edge of 'free will' ---as I was again and again invited by my heart to surrender to the surprising affinity recognitions I kept feeling….

That the Brother/Sisterhood of Spirit exists is undoubtable, and the true bonds it produces between beings honor no boundaries of concept or judgement.  That is the minds domain, not the hearts.  Spirit voyaging, I am discovering, is a lot like Star Trek voyaging… in the sense of 'going where no one has gone before'… in fact I suspect that is actually the only game in town.  I certainly went 'someplace new' at Sat Nam Fest...

So, in essence, what I have the happy heart to report is that right now I am (like in wrestling) sorta pinned to the floor… by my love and appreciation of what this spiritual community of turban wearing kundalini adepts and yogis have just shown me…. perhaps (in some form) as a new possibility for myself.  I've been a Sufi who has over time embraced the wisdom of Zen, Buddhism, Advaita Yoga, New Thought Christianity, ACIM, the teachings of many Indigenous elders, and more.  But for me to discover in Yogi Bhagan's 3HO Kundalini sadhana such a strong attraction---like a 'coming home'---that has been a bit shocking.  

Why, you ask?  Just the mind and it's opinions, to tell the truth.  I lived in Santa Fe for twenty-five years, only a half-hour from the 3HO ashram in Espanola where Yogi Bhagan lived until his death in 2004.  Of course in that period I had a couple of personal encounters with him …and as a much younger man (maybe I was 23 or 24) I had even stayed at the ashram for a few days to check it out.  I think the deciding factors in moving on were that I didn't want to wear a turban (that's now 'optional' I'm told) and that getting up every day at 3 am to do several hours of strenuous yogic sadhana seemed pretty radical to me then.  So at the time, it wasn't a fit.  And even during my commercial adult life in Santa Fe where I often interacted with ashram Sikh's in the business world, it never occurred to me to take a second look.  I was fine with my Sikh friendships, but personally I had no interest in 'the Sikh path'.  

What I discovered by attending Sat Nam Fest this past weekend (after 40 years of superficial association) is that I now do.  At the very least I will be adding in the (to me) now very sensible Kundalini yoga practices I've just learned to my current yoga sadhana.  From there, I am not sure where my heart will lead me, but my new respect for this body of wisdom is closing no door.  

In any relationship three elements are necessary for success--- a shared affinity, a shared reality, and the ability to communicate (take away any of those elements and the relationship withers).  While I did discern individual ego arise occasionally inside this spiritual Sat Nam Fest family, I discerned very few people committed to keeping it.  I loved the devotional sincerity I witnessed, I loved the values that I witnessed being lived, I loved the world view expressed (business-environmental/political-spiritual), I loved the stories told of the linage's early gurus, I deeply loved the mantra chanting music, and surprisingly, I loved getting up early and doing strenuous sadhana.  Plus, several of the people I met instantly felt like very dear long lost friends.  Pinch me, this must be a dream.  OK, as Papaji often said, "Wait and see".  I certainly will.  I'm interested in following this new & unexpected thread.  It has something for me that is very good.  For now, that's my 'report'.  :-)

This coming weekend I will be attending another Sufi Dance Retreat being held at an intentional community called Wind Spirit Community (near Globe, AZ).   I am looking forward to it, wondering what this adventure will hold.  I think (given what happened this past weekend) that I will plan on creating EWJ #21 after I return home, just like I am doing right now with EWJ #20.  That cool with you?  Yes?   Many many thanks for all your wonderful blessings and good thoughts.  Catch you in the wind soon...  

Namaste, (and now…also… Sat Nam…) 



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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag
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#19 Being True

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Winter to Spring ©2013 Rev. David Seacord, 8" x10" Acrylic on canvas

Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #19
© 2013 Rev. David Seacord
April 7, 2013
Being True…

Life has a way of using everything/anything to deliver our lessons to our doorstep, yes?  As the following stories hopefully illustrate….

Not so long ago I created a problem for myself by buying a potted Loquat tree at Home Depot.  I bought it with a consumer mindset that if they were selling it, it must be able to grow here in the desert, and I loved the idea of it being another fruit I could grow on Mom's property. After bringing it home, because the tag on the plant left some questions unanswered, I went online, and soon began reading information that indicated that I'd just wasted the purchase money, as the info I found told me that loquats falter and die at our extreme desert high temperatures.  My ego/I was unpeaceful (read: upset) enough about this that I called Home Depot and gave them some of my ego's mind…(free, of course, and hopefully) diplomatically, but clearly expressing my frustration.  Their response was to suggest that I consult the ag extension agent, but that supposedly there had been some success with the plant locally.  

I resisted my egoic impulses to return the tree and get the money back, choosing to keep researching.  I finally did find a desert loquat success article listing the difference-making requirement of placing the tree where it would get good shaded protection from the afternoon sun's heat.  Searching the property for potential planting sites uncovered exactly ONE suitable spot, however that spot was currently the home of a large and prolific aloe vera bed.  After a few days of considering this, I pulled out a portion of the aloe bed to plant the tree.  (Stay with me… I'm just setting things up…I promise this is going somewhere…)

This choice left me with a large pile of aloe to deal with.  And, of course, being a yogi, nothing is just 'throw it away' anymore--- because my yogi/indigenous ethic of use/recycle everything/if possible throw nothing away trumps the conveniences of the unconscious mass throwaway mindset, yes?  So, solved one problem (where to plant the tree), but created another (what to do with the aloe).  Back to the online info-gods (an increasing habit).  How to naturally preserve aloe?  Answers: 1. fillet the gel from the leaves (lots of time-consuming work!) and refrigerate (or freeze [my choice]), or 2. fillet the gel and air dry and then grind to a powder, 3. just freeze the leaves or 4. (maybe) dry the leaves whole, then powder.  Still undiscovered is if there is any use for aloe root (which I also have plenty of at the moment if you wish any).  In any case, it was time to process aloe, so I got to it, going through the wheelbarrow-full+ of pulled plants and placing the cut-off fat gel-filled leaves in a large bowl to drain the yellowy latex that it is best not to consume (gives you the runs), and placing the roots and other unusable material in a garbage can for probable composting.  

And suddenly, my 'lesson' appears... in the form of a life or death choice.  The huge black widow spider that was crawling up the aloe plant I was holding was probably not thinking that it's life depended on which way my neuronal synapses fired… on how quickly I could process the fear-triggered fight or flight impulses that I've been programmed with in response to black widows…but that was the truth.  If I responded as originally programmed, that black widow was quickly dead.  But 'something inside me' stayed my automatic kill response enough for me to feel deeper than my separation programming.  After a few moments contemplation and attaining a minimal oneness life/life recognition I chose to give the mercy I would desire to receive if the situation were reversed, and deposited the spider back into the remaining aloe beds, making a note to remember to wear gloves from now on when working in the aloe. And then, forgetting the incident, I returned to processing aloe. 

Later, I was reading an article that mentioned that the DNA of chimps and humans was 'only one percent different'--- but it emphasized that that one percent contained the sources of many huge differences--- like that our brain was three times larger than chimps, for instance.  For some reason, I remembered the spider right then, and I saw that not killing it was an example of that 'one percent' shift in myself.  I mean, for the spider, I don't know the greater cosmic impact of the act, except that it now is living out it's lifespan.  But for me, to alter the habitual response and to consciously choose differently than programed, that action was a kind of mutation of mind extending itself into the world of form, and as such, is a kind of kindness miracle, no matter how small an action it may have seemed to be.  What I am standing for here is that nothing is ever without impact, which is why I love 'quantum physics chaos theory'---for it supports my awareness that no action is insignificant, especially actions arising from our goodness of heart.  I think this is worth remembering, especially whenever we/I contract into some form of the temptation to believe a low self-worth story about ourselves.

What I get about 'spirituality' is that it is about grounding this mutation of being aware that we always have choice, and that no choice is without impact, and that we are always responsible (ie, there's no escape) for all our choices.  That is what we/I practice for---so that given the wisdom to see ourselves with some clarity, we are not automatic killers, but rather that we default to being lifesavers, wayshowers, lightbearers.  And being that in a 24/7 context, meaning 'never off-duty' (does God take time off?). (And aside: This, btw, is not meant as a commandment to burn yourself out. Managing wellness is a fundamental expression of selflove. Remember, the 7th day was for RESTING.)  As life's curriculum would have it, shortly after I put the spider back in his aloe bed, I noticed over the back fence our usually absent Canadian neighbor in his backyard working on his citrus trees.  My family's history with the man is that he and my father egoically locked horns over a petty dispute many years ago when my family bought this property, and they never talked again or forgiven each other.  Thus there has been a feud between them for 15+ years which most of my family took sides in.  My father went to his grave with his negative opinion of the man intact. This to me is a karmic failure to forgive.  My seeing is that such unhealed failures of our parents (or our institutions, leaders, or cultures) become our karmas to correct--that if we are mutating upwards into a new divine-human future we are of necessity also healers of humanities past failures.  Consistent with that, I have never acted to continue the feud, but rather the opposite--as psychic space allowed--like in slow courting (where you accept letting the other step forward with baby steps). Over the three years I have been stationed/assigned here in my 'parent's service', whenever the opportunity was presented, I have intentionally broken the 'no-talk/ignore each other feud rules' and attempted interaction…waiting to see if his attitude would become more civil.  And it gradually has-- and this time my interactions with the man were nearly conversational, instead of his usual gruffness. I was delighted (but outwardly only mirrored his demeanor).  The next day, he was again out working, and our conversation even lengthened and expanded.  Somethings up about that that is good, wouldn't you say?  Again, I see that one-percent miracle-making difference at work.   Really, it's all application of 'The Golden Rule' (do onto others etc), and the principle of 'as you reap you will sow'….  or, as Bruce Cockburn sings "when you love love then love loves you  too".    


And the point of all this consciousness work? That's found on the context level, because the definitive context of our life is always the times we are living in, and our individual contributive and soul growth missions within these times.  Therefore, I would say (given the increasing shrillness of the times) that the lessons I/you are learning now from the curriculum of our own lives is IN PREPARATION for those missions.  Knowing I AM a lightworker for the Godness, I have often wondered when I will receive a new mission and I have always received the answer that that will be 'in God's timing', and to just continue growing---that our destiny will always find us--we don't need to be seeking it.  Sometimes my ego has misinterpreted that and not realized I still needed to be actively developing greater egolessness. Now I see that the preciousness of each moment is created by the consciousness with which we live it.  I view that THAT is our best preparation for the next moment.   And, I have come to see that God's timing is active in all of our lives to the degree that we are actively listening for our highest guidance, which is always contained in the messages from our hearts, and which will always help us expand into our Godness.  And although I pray we will be spared, I do accept that we are in all seriousness approaching a time of greatly increased external/civilization-systems-breakdown & chaos (and opportunity too, don't forget), and I sense that how well we have done our preparation lessons and personal sadhanas will be of critical importance to how well we will be able to function as points of light, leadership, and sanity during that turbulence.  For many of us, I suspect our most major life missions will find us in those approaching times.  But as Papaji said… best to 'wait and see'.  

Synchronistically, this week I was lead to listen for the first time to the words of Andrew Harvey, who I immediately recognized as a spiritual teacher of wonderful depth.  He is also the author of "The Hope"… 'a handbook of sacred activism'--the merging of our love for God and our love for Life.    I am inspired by Andrew's clarity and recommend you visit his website and listen to the 2 minute YouTube video on his home page.  I am sure (if you are not already aware of him) that it will be a gift to your life---especially to 'the greatness within you'.  

Next weekend I will be attending an event in the Sikh tradition in Joshua Tree, CA.  It's called Sat Nam Fest, and I chose to go because my heart went ecstatic listening to the devotional chanting that streams as you view the festival website.  Somehow by grace, I have ended up on the sound crew, which of course means I will be in the middle of all the music.  I am excited, to say the least.  Of course, it is all curriculum, so kindly do expect a report.  Must keep you all in the oneness loop, correct?  Yes, Yes….!!!!

My love to each of you….




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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

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#18 The Path of Small Wins

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Morning Dew on Desert Grasses © 2013 Rev. David Seacord  (Celebrating the spring desert in bloom near Phoenix).

Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #18
© 2013 Rev. David Seacord
Easter, March 31, 2013
The Path of Small Wins…

"The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences…"  (from the 3rd Zen Ancestor).  

In the course of our passage through the phenomenal, the non-reactive quiet mind is still rare (but happily not as rare, yes?).   Still, one of the measures of growth that I trust increasingly is my self-recognition that I am not being upset by situations that once did, or on the other hand, where I am generous where before I was fearful of sharing. I thank my wayshowers for their patience as I have slowly and incrementally learned these lessons….  


Something happened that caused my beautiful grapefruit tree to drop seventy-five percent of it's leaves a couple of weeks ago… Although I could not remember doing it, I assume I must have over-watered it---i.e., not allowed it's roots to dry out between waterings.  In the early days of being here in Yuma, I had inadvertently killed a dwarf Valencia orange tree that way.  So this time, as soon as I recognized the situation, I stopped watering.  And instead of beating up on myself for the mistake, I have been praying for the tree… sometimes standing next to it with my healing-charged hands extended, talking to it, affirming our oneness and my love and appreciation of it.  To do this is an interesting thing for my egoic mind to observe, as it's opinion (which I never asked for) is that I was wasting it's time.  Yet it did join me when one day--after ten days of limbo--I suddenly saw clear signs of new leaf growth.  That made my day!  Grapefruit tree chooses to Live!  Yes!  

When my now 22 year old son Ambrose was 13 and living with his mother 1500 miles away from me, she called to tell me she had 'lost control of him'… that he was always stoned, he was skipping school much more than attending, that sometimes he'd just be gone for more than a week at a time from home, and she was afraid he was going to 'run away'. She said "I need your help".  I changed my plans in New Mexico, headed to Oregon, and with his mother's agreement, we loaded all his needful possessions into my car, enrolled the assistance of the local police in finding him and putting him into my car with me, and with a police escort to make sure he didn't jump and run until I was at freeway speeds, headed back to New Mexico with him.  In his words: I 'kidnapped him' out of his known life.  

It was a radical action, but it was 'under grace' too.  It opened up a new life between us, as I stepped up to being responsible for his parenting (powerfully assisted though that experience by my then partner Sarah B.).  He desperately wanted to 'go home and be with his friends', and my message to him was 'only when you choose to upgrade your choices'.  He wasn't sure what that meant, but he did understand that I was offering to pay for him to attend 'The (3 day-long) Landmark Forum for Teens', and that I believed he'd be glad he'd done it if he did choose to…. but that I was not going to 'force him'.  I remember explaining that that would never work anyway, because at the beginning of the course they ask if anyone has been forced to be there, and if somebody was, they refund the money and un-register them.  So Ambrose got that it was his choice.  And thus (as I assured him it would help him get home sooner) he chose to do the course.  

In the nine years since, that choice shines as completely pivotal to the amazing young man he has become… a passionate musician with a long-term dream and a grounded game plan and a willingness to work hard for it.  We were catching up with each other a few days ago and he mentioned that he was interested in doing more of the Landmark courses, which he had been researching online and which he saw would be supportive of his career plans.  As if the universe had prepared the script, only the day before while I was in Phoenix I had been a guest in one of those courses myself and had loved re-experiencing the awakeness there.  So the moment he spoke his interest, I put my money down to help make it happen. It was like my words came from beyond myself… but I offered no resistance (even though I do have lots of things that I could use the money for myself---don't we always?).  Yet what was clear in that moment was that all the money we have is always God's gift to us--- and that the perfect surrender in this moment was to LET IT GO.  Let it go open my son's life… Amen to that!  (So glad I am that I was/am this week NOT who I was oh, say, 30 years ago (in relation to money, in particular).  Slow and steadily… we learn the lessons of love well…. eventually seeing clearly the emptiness of all attachment to possessions (including our money).   


In another similar test:  Driving to Phoenix last Sunday I called a friend to suggest we meet for tea at a restaurant where I have had eight giclee reproductions of my art work on consignment for a good while.  She told me that she'd gone by there recently and the restaurant wasn't open…and that a legal notice was posted on the door.  So I changed my plans and went directly to the restaurant to see what was so… on the way, my mind creating scenarios of looking through the windows at a gutted empty place and finding all my paintings gone.  I looked at what my mind was creating, and instead chose peace.  If I know there are no accidents, then if I did get ripped off, it would have to somehow be a blessing.  And I knew I could survive the loss.  

When I got to the place it was locked up, and there was the notice, but the place was not gutted, and all my paintings were still on the walls.  I've always felt the gentleman that owns the restaurant was a good man, and (to put myself in his shoes) there have been times when I've struggled financially.  Clearly something of that nature was going on.  As all my contact numbers for him where no longer working, I eventually was able to contact the property landlord and explain the situation.  He let me know that he could not let me into the place to retrieve my work--YET-- as the rent was still current (for a little while longer).  But that he was watching the situation closely, and he would be in touch with me as soon as anything changed.  So I am in a waiting pattern… BUT Peacefully.  It will work out…it always does.  


Part of the reason for my trip to Phoenix was to see my dentist, who has become a good friend.  On my last visit with him he had shared that he was having some health issues, and that he expected he'd have to have surgery for them.  My readers probably know that as a rawfoodist I am not quick to support the surgical option, but Doc doesn't see things the way I do.  He did agree however to look at material I promised to get for him.  So I went to Amazon and ordered a book called "Pain Free" by Pete Egoscue, and "How We Heal" by Douglas W. Morrison (I've just listed them so you can do the same, if you're interested.)  Pain Free is about how Pete got shot up in Vietnam and was then told he'd never x, x ,x ,x, x, and x, but how that all changed when he put his mind to healing himself.  Now his understanding of the body is helping thousands of people have a new life without chronic pain.  How We Heal is Doug Morrison's report on his longtime studies with the originator of Body Electronics, the late Dr. John Ray.  Body Electronics is a healing modality that I have a good amount of positive experience with, as I studied it for 3 years in Santa Fe in the 1990's (from another of Dr. Ray's direct students).  I cannot in a blog do justice to the subject, except as an introduction.  The essence of this modality is about the regeneration capacities of the body---about how to create seemingly miraculous healings by understanding the nature of the connection between our thoughts and the condition of our body---and that under certain conditions where negative thoughts are truly released, then bodily healing follows immediately.  

In any case, I gave the books to Doc. with a brief soundbite about them.  As it happened, I was at his office most of the afternoon waiting for lab work etc, so he had a chance to read a bit from Pain Free.  He let me know that as I left… and that he 'liked where the guy was coming from'.  That was high praise and I knew it so I didn't push the river.  Definitely time for some 'thy will be done' prayers for my dentist though….  


Tonight I''m finishing up this journal sitting in the home of a friend in Los Angeles just like I did a couple of weeks ago.  And my art clients here are now the owners of a brand-new beautiful reproduction of 'The Arrival of My True Love', which is one of my all-time most appreciated images.  We had another creative teamwork experience again, assembling the  frame and stretching the canvas.  But in comparison to the ordeal we'd experienced two weeks ago, this was a cake walk.  I had another lesson offered about money too.  Our original agreement on the transaction was time-based with years of future payments due.  Somehow in contemplating that, I realized that I did not wish to place another in my longterm debt, just as I do not wish to be in such a debt myself.  So I chose to let go of that substantial future profit in exchange for a much much lower full buyout now.  It was good to see that I did not have a big battle with my ego about this… I was at peace inside doing this letting go, as I could feel in my heart was 'the perfect thing to do'.  If I know anything, it is that I am/you are 'taken care of' always.  Somehow letting go of that money promised in the future liberated me to be more trusting of my 'supply' in the NOW. You get this?  Yes?  

Blessing to each of you… hope I wasn't 'too long' in my share....  Love you all.



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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag
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EWJ #17 Self Responsibility

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image © 2013 Rev David Seacord (5 x 7 inches, acrylic on canvas)

Everyman's WEEKLY Journal, #17
© 2013 Rev. David Seacord
March 24, 2013
Self Responsibility

In the context of "no need to go anywhere….because all our necessary lessons will come directly to us wherever we are"…this week the universe sent me to a YouTube video of Eckart Tolle to watch… right on time, and in synchronistic perfection.  The question on the table (in the video) was "What is responsibility?" (asked in the context of "How does one be spiritually responsible for the planetary-wide environmental crises we are facing?").  

I found Mr. Tolle's extemporaneous eight minute response extremely clear…profound actually, and therefore I have listened to it many times, each new listening opening up deeper levels of it's profundity.  That is 'the way' with skillful listening (I am continually learning…).  Life is designed so FOR us that it will repeat itself again and again to give us the opportunities for growing…. BUT… if we/I are committed to our awakenedness we/I will do the repeating voluntarily, especially when there is no protective ego pretense active within us.  

In the case of Eckart Tolle, he is so clearly a great soul that my ego had no judgement legs to stand on, Thank God.  Therefore it (my ego) just surrendered to my hearts thirst for clarity on this issue, which has been a somewhat challenging one in my personal life (as I have been known to have an 'activist's' crusading temperament at times).  Summing up Mr. Tolle's wisdom for myself (& you), he acknowledged that the earth (Gaia) is a jewel of paradisiacal beauty upon which has been superimposed the results of humanities self-centered dysfunctionalities…or what is called in Zen 'the sickness of the mind'.  He acknowledged that the summating impact of this collective human mental sickness has reached a crisis point, and it is unlikely that Gaia will be able to support humanity to continue 'as is' for even another hundred years… that it actually is 'transform or go extinct' time for us as a species.  He acknowledged that that is why his work is focused on healing the source of the issue… the dysfunctional sickness of our mind that keeps self-centered opportunistic dis-unity the norm. And he confirmed that it is now our individual opportunity to be fully responsible for this condition of things (since we in fact ARE 'humanity'), and to work to transform it by becoming increasingly and acutely aware of our moment to moment consciousness and the realities that it is generating…because those realities are exactly what becomes the substance of our 'collective consciousness created' world.

For me, when someone speaks a truth that is instantly obvious (where it just falls into its 'Bingo!' place inside my head like ripe fruit falling at the slightest touch), the reason it is instantly obvious is because on some level I have already noticed the same facts… but my thinking had not yet as clearly connected the dots as to what those facts must mean.  So when that connection is drawn by someone who has obviously contemplated an issue more deeply than I, if I am ripe enough to recognize that, I am able appreciate the gift of that speaking for being the miracle it is.  This is because in the natural course of my own unassisted contemplative growth I can see it might have been some time before I would have drawn the connection without such help.  This process of receiving Bingo! assistance depends completely upon our listening skills set, and can be accurately called proactive 'consciousness rewiring'….as in creating circuits that generate wholeness instead of more insanity.

Eckart's speaking did this for me several times, for which I am grateful.  One such time was simply to note that our collective dysfunction of mind has been with us for a very long time…. that it's been being inherited repeatedly by hundreds of generations for thousands of years.  That's obvious, right?  We've been killing each other off one way or another for a very long time, all in the name of our ego's me first individual survival.  Somehow I realized that newly though, as he said it.  And I realized that what I am here using my life for is to work to end this dysfunctional illness that I have inherited…in other words, to re-acquire my sanity. Why is obvious….because since the world is made up of the consequences of our thoughts, each of us becoming sane is the only real way that will work to save our world, and… because conversely, is it not patently apparent what our dysfunctions will do if allowed to continue unchecked and unhealed---and that that consequence is the inevitable terminality of humanity?  This then, in a universe where all possibilities are equal, is the life or death game we as a species are playing.  When this is recognized it can certainly seem a very important game to win, and it can place a deep emotional grip upon us, yes?  Thus, our spiritual confusion is understandable, as we as egos have difficulty with the idea that our species survival is actually optional.

The young man who asked the question of Mr. Tolle clearly was on the horns of this same dilemma too.  Most of us who are awakening are there also, at least from time to time.… because as God infills us and we feel more joy and bliss, the question naturally arises (for it is part of the curriculum) as to how when in bliss do we relate to all the pain in the world. What do we do about all the suffering? What is our right response?  

Of course the simple answer is: use the joy and bliss to heal the pain of our separateness…meaning, since there is only one of us, use love to heal our brother's mind.  That may be the answer, yes, but it is not 'an instruction manual' on the details of HOW.  

You know why, right?  Because to do the How… The Work of Generating a Conscious Upgrade in the way our egoic mind operates (by consistently telling the Truth about ourselves, by being vulnerable, impeccable, radically honest-compassionate-loving) …to the ego, THAT is 'NOT' so much fun.  THAT is very confronting to it, yes?  I mean, isn't there a place in your ego that fundamentally just wants to have fun? You've noticed that, yes? Doesn't it also want to avoid really really really looking into all the nooks and crannies of your consciousness for all the inauthentic dirt you'd like to never be exposed? Doesn't it want to somehow be right all the time?  Mine sure does all of this.  Mine would have me just being interested in me & mine (& you if it's to my advantage)--without ever insisting I grow to any real depth.  My ego is all about it's own survival…i.e., me staying separated from God. My ego would like to pretend I'm a holy man, but it's not really so interested in me Being one.  Because THAT (it knows) takes a lifetime of egolessness practice…of real self-inquiry.  That is the work of true sadhana (spiritual practice).  

Spiritual practice is very simply about habituation.  Because (I will postulate) only our consciously chosen unity habituation can rescue us when we are face down in our doodoo.  Only our habituation based strength of mind gained by walking the path of a regular spiritual discipline will empower us to stay true to our soul in the face of the ego's increasing desperation.  Unity consciousness under all conditions and circumstances is our desired default consciousness, yes?  No question… it is.  Then, to have it, we must know ourselves VERY well… we must be able to recognize the slightest arising of ego within us, and we must be master of our beingness.  

I suggest this is our work for the world.  I suggest that all gains made by any of us are felt instantly everywhere, for it is a timeless unity that we are a part of.  As A Course in Miracles teaches, our only function is forgiveness.  It is the fastest way we can possibly grow, for to forgive is to release the past and the pain, and create a blank canvas to invent the future upon.  

Eckart Tolle's video referenced here in is at:

God's blessings on this journey is our birthright.  Trust that.  Count on them.  We are not alone. We have help available for the asking.  Do practice asking.  :-)




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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag
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