Monday, December 16, 2013

EWJ #51 Just Ask for It!

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A view of the Idaho Sawtooth Mtns, from the Stanley to Loman Rd.  photo credit/D. Seacord

Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #51
© 2013 Rev. David Seacord
November 24, 2013 
Just Ask for it!  

Recently I recognized what I've been doing this entire lifetime (in a way that sort of startled me--- as I'd never seen myself in that light before).  I realized that what I 'do' is 'I ask questions'.  I don't usually do it in ways that are demanding or threatening or anything… I just am (still) a deeply curious child inside myself, and somehow (and my parenting is significant here) the habit of that curiosity never became 'suppressively conditioned out of me' by our societal institutions.  Somehow I escaped being driven insane by the madness of the world...  Somehow my heart managed to stay alive and sensitive…

In any event, as a result I've always viewed a lot of things differently than the sleeping masses.  In recognizing this, there have often been survival choices to make.  I entered the 'counter culture' quickly and easily when I first encountered it at age 18 (as a sophomore transfer into the University of Oregon) which at that time was 'the second Berkeley of the west coast'.  Given the cultural permission, I experimented widely on my path to self-discovery.  In many ways, that social experimentalism replaced my academic interests.  I see now it was all guided.  I have found my way to HERE, yes?  

The big questions living within me now (for the last few years) haven't been so much about myself or my personal successes… this is in part because I KNOW I will always be taken care of (as long as I can remember that's always been my deal with God)… No, the big questions have been about "But how do I make anyreal difference in the insanity surrounding me everywhere?".  I have known I have a calling--- I feel it whenever I feel another suffering--- but I have often not had the courage to act upon my convictions for fear of 'being singled out'.  I have hidden in the safety of anonymity.  

But these days I feel I am increasingly being 'called out', and somehow by grace, I am finding the strength to step forward (many times albeit haltingly), both into my fears, and then, beyond my fears.  I am clear I am being supported in this… there are just too many synchronistic moments occurring for it to be otherwise.    This week the two most noticeable such moments arrived by email….  The announcement that Marianne Williamson is running for a seat in Congress… and Brad Blanton's reprint of his friends Clinton Callahan's article on Being a Planetary Leader…. (   

The two arrivals were like marching orders to me… left, right, eyes straight ahead & forward. 

What can I say except I am inspired and thrilled about Marianne's announcement.  She is (to me) one of the most brilliant lights living on this planet, and if anyone carries within themselves the possibility of transforming the ways of our self-serving US Government, I must believe she does. I will offer her every support I am able to.  I believe her mission is of vital importance.  I invite you to do the same, wherever you live. 

However, the 'right hook' punch was Callahan's article.  I cannot remember when I have read such a succinct and clear distinctions in regards to what our condition upon this planet actually is.   For copyright reasons I am not including it within this Journal, but what I have to say from this point onward will not make sense if you  do not follow the link above and read it.  Please do that now… then return and finish here….  

What I learned many years ago from Werner Erhard was "Mastery is the power of distinction".  Callahans article is full of profoundly powerful ones.  

*Why politicians are not 'leaders'.  
*Why corporations are not 'leaders'.  
*What leadership actually is.  
*What the cost of you and I abdicating our leadership in this world has become.  *Why I am clearly a heretic (and you, dear reader, are most likely one too…)

Thank You God for this article… this SELF-EVIDENT clarity that just strips the illusions and the confusions away!  Thank You God for the 'of course!' ahaaaa's… 

Now I can give up even trying to pretend I am NOT a heretic!  Of course I am one!  From the view of the insane world ANYONE who is sane is by definition a heretic.  And here's the thing…

Once that is clear, suddenly a huge amount of energy is freed… because there is no longer any energy being used to appear to other's different that you are/I am…and what arises then is… the call to responsible action.   This is what Christ meant in his reference to 'be not like a light under a basket--- be like one blazing upon a hilltop!'  

Responsible actions are what true leaders do… and those actions can be in thousands of forms… they can be creative artistic expressions, they can be the effort of researching questions that the truth be known, they can be inspirational, they can be the offer to heal any other.  Whatever form they take, responsible actions are guided by a great love--- of all life, of each other as sacred, of this moments opportunity to serve all beings to awaken.  It is not ours to judge any longer what difference might be created as we follow our true heart calling us into this leadership.  As ACIM makes clear, that is not our concern.  Our only concern is to offer by our actions the miracle of our Love.  That which guides our lives shall also guide our released Love into the lives of those ready to receive it.  

It is a chain of light we weave.  In it, none are better or worse. None are above or below.  All are a part of the chain.  All are essential.  Please arise to this.  It is the time.  




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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

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