Sunday, May 25, 2014

EWJ # 73: Mother's Day....

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Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #73
© 2014 Rev. David Seacord
May 11, 2014
Mother's Day…

Because it is 'Mother's Day' I sense that I could suggest to you the radical notion that perhaps all of us human beings are both female and male, if the truth be fully told.  Certainly as I evolve in consciousness, it appears I am becoming increasingly more sensitive to the sex that I am physically not, and I can empathize more readily and feel the place within me that is 'like the other' much more easily.  I am convinced we all must do this, or we will never experience a true unity with the Creation that we are inseparable from.  For in such a unity is it not self-obvious that both the sexes of our own species would also be necessarily and equally included?  Are we not, in our highest awakeness, actually androgynous? 

In any case, I am that I am (at least to certain 'others', and by my own self-defined experience) a male mother at times, and I know many men who are such mothers also.  To immediately reverse and balance the statement, in all fairness I also know many women who are very skilled at fathering (even if they might call that fathering 'mothering').  I suspect that our individual skills in these regards often has a foundation built for us by our parent's examples, but I offer no empirical data in support of that. I just have a knowing within me that the more self-successful to myself I am, the more I am also the best of my mother and father.  At my best, I am them both--- evolved, forwarded in time, harmonized, and (especially where between themselves they may not have been) at peace.


Yesterday about dawn I was out in my gardens and energizing upon my rebounder when something large and light landed on my shoulder.  At first I thought it was a fallen leaf, but then I realized it was a butterfly….in fact it was a magnificent Tiger Swallowtail.  It was a moment similar to the one in the movie Avatar, where the 'pure souls' that floated like dandelion seeds landed upon Jake… I knew I was receiving a blessing, even though at the same time I was thrown into the mystery of not knowing too.  After a few moments, in my simple-mindedness, I pushed the river by slowly and experimentally offered it my finger as a branch to step up on.  And when it flew away in a flutter of beauty instead, I felt a mix of emotions-- sadness that the moment was over (and why had I not just let it stay on my shoulder undisturbed?)  and awe that the moment had even existed, especially involving a Swallowtail--a type of butterfly I had never before seen on this little increasing riparian desert property.  I completed the moment by releasing the sadness and accepting the lesson, and feeling the joy and delight of having been blessed by the contact. 

A few minutes later, I was standing (like a slowly-breathing newly blessed mother) near my line of three pallet-constructed composting bins listening to the dripping of the automatic watering system delivering early morning drinks to all my plant-children, when a brilliantly-colored orange-headed bright yellow breasted small bird landed on the plastic watering pipe spanning the bins, and proceeded to bob it's beak into the dripper emitter watering the compost. This time I did not move.  I just was fully present and appreciative of the beauty and the miracle of the moment.  As much as I was able, I intentionally forgot myself and became the bird. I became it's appreciation for the gift of my water source, I became it's wild vitality, I became its song, I became its awesome bright coloring… and then I became the beat of its wings as it lifted back up into the skies.  Coming back into 'myself', I went to my computer and entered descriptive terms, and after narrowing the possibilities, came to the conclusion I had hosted a western tanager, in another first time seen here moment.  

These are two of my mothering success stories… examples of how I am being used to be the Godnesses hands--- used to offer love to this small piece of land and to aid it to flourish. Flourish. It's a beautiful word, and a beautiful work. Yes? Somewhere recently the thought was given to me that what the phrase 'the pursuit of happiness' really means is 'to be able to flourish'.  To me, such sense of flourishing is deeply connected to the ancient wisdoms of our indigenous ancestors, who knew their oneness with the Mothering of the Earth.  I am thankful that a piece of them is awake within 'me'.    


The love of making music is upon me these days with a passion.  In my mother's living room…the space recently vacated by Ambrose… I have been inspired to set up my full sound recording studio… the first time I have unpacked all my equipment completely from their protectively padded storage boxes, chests, and suitcases… and set it up as a functioning studio---in perhaps a dozen years.  It has been like slowly and fully awakening an old dream.  And it is like setting up a painting studio… only instead of laying out all the colors and tools and canvases, here I am preparing to paint with sound. But the process is similar--- to create my musical vision, I am first setting up a musically-creative dedicated space--- then I am using the space doing practicing and warmup exercises to get fluent within the space--- until the ripeness is entered, and the recording begins in earnest.  I am now in that practicing… my daily sadhana including many musical expressions… vocal exercises, piano-drum-guitar-flute-clarinet practicing, lyric and arrangement memorization,  and a lot of digital recording technology studying hours (in order to be able to capture and produce the coming music as beautifully as possible).  

Why am I doing all this… what is inspiring this passion?  To me, it is simply 'the call of my ripeness'. I am sure it is the same in you… that beyond whatever our mental reasons are for why or why not, there is something from deep within that calls us into our choices, our actions.  Sometimes we call this 'following our dreams', but perhaps what we are following is something else… perhaps we are simply surrendering to being used of the Godness… perhaps we are being its joy.  I believe when we are being truest to our Self, this must be also true.  

Therefore, as the Ricki Byer/Beckwith lyric goes:  "May our joy be so triumphant… that we rest in God, and say Amen."  

May each of us---you and I---complete the Universe.  May we live true, and be its Joy. 

Namaste & Sat Nam,



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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

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