Sunday, May 25, 2014

EWJ # 74: Why a Marianne for President campaign is needed...

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Everyman's WEEKLY Journal # 74
© 2014 Rev. David Seacord
May 25, 2014
Why a Marianne for President campaign is needed…  

A few weeks ago I dream-received some game-changing ideas (visions -- or fantasies -- depending on your point of view) having to do with Marianne Williamson's candidacy for Congress in California's District 33.   

Last Monday (while briefly visiting LA) I attended a large and enthusiastic support rally for Marianne -- held in a Beverly Hills art deco theater venue -- and there I experienced her in-person for the first time in many years.  Last Wednesday morning I visited her 6th floor office-building campaign headquarters briefly to present my ideas/visions to 'somebody---anybody…',  and the staffer who was available to listen was an 'oh, I'm a fellow artist too' named Susan.  Later (after watching a flash of deep interest flare through her pupils), she authentically promised me that "she was the perfect person to have shared them with."  

Trusting that flashing perfection, I am now guided to share these ideas via this Journal's readership, as a public propagation.


According to the best intelligence I have access to (that said as a lifelong student, and said intelligence being derived from numerous diversified and trusted sources and study disciplines), the current condition on our planet is like a precarious balancing passage by high-wire over an bottomless abyss.  Meaning: there is no guarantee at this time of homo sapien long-term continuance, given the destabilizing power of the blind-to-its-impact & consequences and short-term greed-driven dehumanized forces of destruction which have been for several decades (at least) attacking Gaia's self-sustaining/self-balancing capacities, upon which our human existence does and has always relied. Given this, there is a profound and broad-based need for a great Gandhi-level leadership to arise… a leadership which is skilled in speaking the truth of the planetary jeopardy powerfully…persuasively… and effectively enough that it could awaken and potentially motivate billions of people worldwide into taking the untold many positive game-changing and life-affirming actions that human-continuance will require.  Further, the timeline… the window of opportunity for humanity to transform its consciousness and its resultant ways of being significantly enough to alter the almost certain negative future (of widespread suffering and/or possible earth-life extinction) and to instead create an alternative positive future for all beings--- this ever-shortening timeline is audibly crying out for this leadership.  It is not crying out for it 'soon', or 'next year'…. it is crying out for it Now.  In other words, the need is urgent and immediate.

Enter into this context one spirit-filled fearless woman known worldwide by the name of Marianne Williamson.  Why is she known worldwide?  Because, inspired by her connection to spirit and using her gift--- the power of her words both spoken and written ---she has shared her relationship with 'God/Source/the Great Mystery' with millions upon millions of growing souls for several decades.   As a best-selling author and spiritual teacher, she has done this with utter candor and deep insight, admitting and sharing her mistakes as well as her victories.  She has not allowed her ever-increasing renown to infect her with the human egoic diseases of pride, arrogance, or superiority.   She has remained a servant of the Supreme Good, and the Unity of all Life.  In full public view, she has proven she can deliver 'the Message';  she has proven she is able to walk the Way without succumbing to the soul-bankrupting temptations of the world's false illusions.  Because of this life-well-lived, she has been and is being an inspiration to untold millions of souls to awaken, and she has become a deeply trusted Voice FOR LOVE.  


When last year Marianne Williamson heard the inner message that it was the will of the Supreme Good that she enter the California District 33 Congressional race, because of her spiritual convictions, she courageously acted and accepted the assignment.  What she accepted was that her assignment now was to deliver a new and urgent message:  That it is NOW time for all people of spirit to enter the political realms and together accomplish a profound political course correction…moving radically away from self-centered political business as usual… and toward the creation of a new national and world politic unbeholden to monied special interests.  Thus, her message is that: It is time for the good of the People and of the (still living) Planet to come first, and that those interests must be profoundly championed and fully reestablished.  

Because of her stature as a national and international spiritual author and orator, the fact that Marianne Williamson threw her hat into 'politics' naturally drew immediate widespread attention. In the beginning the conversation in the press was centered around the unlikelihood of her being successful, given that the seat had been held by Congressman Henry Waxman for many decades, and he was considered 'unbeatable'.  But in a manner similar to Noah when building the Ark, Marianne followed her own inner knowing and began her long-shot campaign, speaking to whoever would listen (and in particular listen in District 33) her 'new conversation for a new America'.  In hindsight that she declared her candidacy in a district where her opponent was an unbeatable giant was in itself a stroke of genius, as it activated the attention the contest drew.  When (almost as if scripted) Henry Waxman announced his surprise retirement, it left Marianne in the position of being a serious contender.  Here she has remained, seizing the opportunity afforded in a now 'open-field' (ie, a field of candidates containing no incumbent) to build a passionately inspired and viably-active campaign organization committed to win/win winning a fast approaching primary election victory on June 3, 2014, ---where to qualify for being on the ballot in the general election in November she must be one of the top two vote-receivers of the large candidate field.  And as I experienced at her rally last Monday, while it's not at all 'in the bag', such a victory is being felt by her local supporters to be a valid possibility.  In other words, there is a great excitement and hope buzzing in her local campaign… that Marianne could actually be one of the primary winners.

In the normal course of events following a primary campaign for a Congressional seat there are election night rallies where the winners and losers are gracious and high-minded in their oratory.  After which, the losers pack up and disappear until the next election, and the winners continue their campaigning, up to the general election in November.  

But these are not normal times, and this is not a normal candidate.  This is a candidate who is speaking a much more mature conversation than that required of a local congressional district.  Marianne Williamson is speaking an urgently needed international conversation… a planetary game-changing conversation… a Gandhi-level conversation.  Given that, what are the true stakes?  What could the 'out of the box' true possibilities actually be?  

Here is what I am seeing:  In the event of a June 3 primary loss, it would be a profound loss to the future of life itself should Marianne Williamson not immediately and without missing a beat declare herself as a US Presidential candidate for 2016 as an Independant.  I say this because the only thing that has prevented Marianne's huge international audience of supporters from being activated behind her Congressional candidacy is that that candidacy is for far to small a possibility, given the Being that she IS.  Therefore, I view her current candidacy as 'necessary campaign organizational practice'.  And given my experience at her rally last week, I view it as already extraordinarily successful, for should she win or lose this primary, when Marianne declares herself a Presidential candidate, she has a local organizational prototype in existence ready to be cloned state by state nationally.  

Even if Marianne does win the primary, I am seeing that the integral path to her legitimate political power is to immediately declare for the Presidency anyway.  It is just being respectful of her local constituency by being straight about what is up… and it is the answer to the local question 'Why vote for her?--- instead of one of the other local candidates--- many whom hold similar views…".  The answer is: to give her the platform to enter Washington and the national political conversation AS A DECLARED INDEPENDENT PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE CARRYING AN INTERNATIONAL GAME-CHANGING CONVERSATION….A CONVERSATION FOR LOVE --INSTEAD OF MONEY-- CONTROLLING OUR POLITICS… A CONVERSATION FOR THE EARTH, AND FOR ALL THE PEOPLES  OF THE EARTH.  

Basically, what I am saying is the fire that has been lighted must not be extinguished, win or lose this primary election.  Through Marianne Williamson's candidacy, a viable movement for love in politics has been born, and it is the need of all life that it blaze brighter and brighter and spread far and wide.  In time, I see Dennis Kucinich agreeing to serve as a Vice-Presidential candidate with Marianne.  Because of his past political experience, I see this would add much legitimacy to her voice.  I see that alignments with the Green movement and the Ron Paul movement as completely possible, given that they are also movements of principle and integrity standing for the Earth, and Constitutional Law, and they too stand against the erosions and usurpations of special self-interest and monied influence…. the current oligarchic paradigm in defacto control of this country.    

In sum what I am seeing is that the single best action that is available to be taken to move Marianne's message out of being a local congressional district conversation and into being an un-ignorable international one is to radically upgrade the size of her candidacy itself.   There is a saying that 'the way to solve small problems is to take on much bigger ones…'.  I am saying that in my view that is the situation here.  If Marianne declares now, there are two years available to build with, and to present her case to the people with. Obviously, running for President comes with it's problems.  As it is 'no small thing', it may take all of Marianne's enormous soul courage to expand to this degree of selflessness as it will certainly mean giving up her personal life to a huge degree.  However, Goethe is quoted as saying:  "Whatever you dream you can do, begin it!  Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!"  For the good of all life, I am praying Marianne Williamson will find this boldness, and soon.  I am seeing it would make a huge difference.  

If you agree, please let her know also.  Thank you. 

Namaste, and Sat Nam, 



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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

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