"Birthing Sacs" © 2014 Rev David Seacord 24" x 36" Acrylic on Canvas (created with Ambrose in contributive assistance). Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #70
© 2014 Rev. David Seacord
April 21, 2014
Integrating the Journey….
As I awoke in my Sat Nam Fest campground tent for the sixth and final time Monday morning, I realized that last night's meal was to be the last for a while, and that I was now water-fasting again. Wondering how much time I would need to carve out for a decent cleanse and spiritual-pscho/mental-physical upgrade and recent-past integration, I saw the 'minimum one week' answer arise within the question. A scan of my commitment calendar confirmed my intuition… I was clear of serious conflicts… OK…I'm in, I said to my inner Godness. "And thanks for the suggestion"…I threw that in because it is always good to let your spirit-side help know that they are appreciated. Because (you know, don't you?) that although our arrogant ego's don't like to admit it, our survival absolutely does depend on high-side help...
Driving the 200 miles home I called Ambrose's mother to check up on him, and got the report that he was staying strong and 'clean', that he'd negotiated an improved position at work, and that he was being inspired by his longtime close friend/housemate to consider going to the local Ashland massage school (which she is a recent graduate of), in particular because (beyond learning the bodywork skills) it would bring into his life a new circle of people who are also committed to living life in the way that he now is. I was immediately grateful for his intuitive navigation skills, and received a few downloaded ideas of how I might be able to support his choice. As he had given up being at Sat Nam Fest in order to return to Oregon and become re-employed, I was happy to see that the unfolding of his life could and would continue to open as appropriate to his spirit, and I retired a wee bit more of my parental concern for his future. Which of course means I have fewer excuses for avoiding my own calling….
So, shifting and looking at that, I report that at Sat Nam Fest my experience of myself as a lightworker grew and expanded. Compared to my first experience last year, I was now an accepted and known 'member of the family', and there was an ease and lack of struggle to prove anything present internally as I went about my duties of setting up the microphones and other sound gear and arranging the stage props. As many of the musical performers and yoga teachers remembered/recognized me from last year, my relationships with them were more freed up also, and a sense of play entered that was happiness-making for me. So on that level I had a good time being somebody who was highly visible and making things happen. I can remember times in the past where the idea of being on stage doing stuff in front of lots of people would have been quite challenging… inside of just doing my universe-serving job well it became no big deal. I could maybe say that the cure to stage-fright then might be to get used to being on stage…
The flip side of being somebody visible is always the practice of remaining and being approachable/available/present, so that as people take their read on your being and perhaps find a response inside themselves to it, that you/I am a welcome opening for others to express into. My view is that all these approaches of others are always simply an arising of 'I saw myself as I witnessed you doing xxxxx etc', and it is that experience of our common humanness that forms the flows of love and affinity between us. For me one of the great validating pleasures of an event or a festival of this nature (or just in life) is these other/self recognitions that spontaneously happen without force of effort. To me that is 'the dance of the true universe'… it is humanity being the way humanity is 'supposed to be'.
I must also include in my report this week that the seeds of a more committed kundalini yoga practice were also planted as the Festival progressed . This is both from the renewed recognition that these unique yoga practices offer a beautiful value in terms of personal development spiritually, as well as the recognition that because I had difficulty keeping up physically (some postures are very strenuous and in fact I experienced becoming quite exhausted and sore when doing them) that it would be good to add them in my routine more often just to aid me in retaining and/or regaining strength and stamina. A correlative recognition also downloaded during one of the 'breath of fire' practices having to do with such practices possibly detoxing and healing the weirdly persistent low-grade cough I have been experiencing for many months (and which I reasonably suspect to be a result of the chemtrail heavy metal high-altitude spraying programs which have been documented to be in place and have been in visible existence in our atmosphere now for many years). It was a bingo-like epiphany to see that regularly practicing 'breath of fire' as a lung detoxification may be effective in counteracting such widespread environmental pollutions.
Continuing, I also report a couple of new actions I took at Sat Nam Fest to begin new bright beginnings:
I aligned with the recently created Sat Nam Foundation in its project of building orphanage dormitories for homeless children of the untouchables caste in northern India… I had a half-hour long introductory interview with one of the foundation board members specifically exploring how my art might be useful to help raise the funds needed to build those dormitories. For me, it was a step out of 'thinking about the possibility' and into 'taking action'. The board member was a powerful and clear woman with a deep art background and quickly recognized that my level of artistry was masterful and that multiple possibilities could be created. No specific action has yet been committed to…. we are simply engaged in exploring what might be possible inside of the idea that "why not have non-profits I wish to support act as 'art agents' and then, at a minimum, receive the portion of funds that a gallery would receive anyway"…. So this is an adventure to be continued… one that I feel good about because my art-making then directly benefits worthy causes I care about.
And, another action I took was to propose to one of the main sound engineers (whom I had built a good rapport with) that I come into his LA studio and record an album of my original musical material (with the support of many of the LA based musicians that I had been meeting) and that I pay for his services with art. After viewing my portfolio, he has initially responded yes, let's do it!, and so I am now back home with the intention to organize my compositions and songs in advance of entering his studio.
My report as far as other plans upcoming in the near-term future; I am going to be on the sound team for Shakti Music and Yoga Festival (at the same Joshua Tree, CA location as Sat Nam Fest was at) in the middle of May. Shortly after that I travel up to Monterey County to meet with the court about my case's appeal in what is called a 'settlement hearing'. That should be quite interesting, and it will give me a chance to again visit my Mother also. A few weeks later, in mid-June, I expect to again be on the 3HO Summer Solstice sound team in northern New Mexico, after which-- in late June/early July-- I suspect I will re-visit The Rainbow Gathering (to be in Utah or Nevada this year) on my way to spend several weeks ---in late July--- in Eastern Oregon doing needed maintenance and 'worst case scenario survival preparations' on my parent's property up there… hopefully with the assistance of several other siblings joining in and making it a family reunion work party on the 'old homestead'…
Following up on that last 'survival preparations' comment… while my view of life is openly deeply spiritual and life-affirming, I do pay attention to the impacts of greed in our human psychology… which is (in my political and economic view) the root cause of the wholesale and unneeded suffering in our world. Relatedly, one of the events of my Monday was the email-stimulated viewing of a streaming movie interview of Micheal Ruppert, a controversial world famous whistle-blowing investigative reporter. The 2009 movie is titled 'Collapse' (as in the collapse of our current way of life) and is highly intelligent and informative. Here is the link: http://www.nextworldtv.com/videos/what-isnt-working-1/collapse-film-about-michael-ruppert-.html. Mr. Ruppert is now deceased as of last week, purportedly by his own hand and from extreme depression. I suggest you view the movie as access to an educative and broadened view of our physical/political/economic reality in these times. I believe you will be empowered if you do. Although saddened by the information and by his demise, I am grateful I did, as accurate forewarning info is not easy to obtain in the media of cultural deception surrounding us.
I pray that you will have found bits and pieces of relevant and useful information, perhaps even inspiration, here. Thank you for being my readers and my mirrors. Thank you for your comments. The sky is still dark but I hear a neighborhood cock crowing 'Wake up, wake up, dawn is coming soon'. Life is, as always, continuing to be itself. That means today once again that anything is possible, for in truth and with courage we are free to create the world that our hearts would have be. Let us do that. It is the reason we live, yes?
Namaste, and Sat Nam,
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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag
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