Tuesday, May 6, 2014

EWj #58 Arising Again...

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Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #57
© 2014 Rev. David Seacord
January 5, 2014
Watching the Universe Change...

In the light-speed pace this week it has been feeling like trying to compose something with words for this Journal would be like using hieroglyphics compared to computers.  Yet balancing that I hear a wisdom that points out the beautiful focusing within the slowdown that is required to compose…  of being able to express a single thought with clarity, perhaps even with subtlety.

In any event, all the warp and weft threads of my growing seems to have a certain luminosity right now, caused (I am quite certain) by the internal confrontations I stand holding by the horns. I could let go of these horns I know, because I have done so in the past.  I could slip back into my old comfortable self, back behind the vail of pretenses… the pretenses of being awake and looking good (yet all-the-while actually mostly still sleeping… yes, I am discovering that this is still a possibility…).  But I am lit up with a soul-excitement right now, and my I-am-ness is not at all interested in returning to that dream.  I am feeling empowered and inspired by another call, a call from a level of light high above me.  It is saying… "Yes, it is possible.  You can become the ennobled being you wish to be in your heart.  What is required is that you be willing to let go of everything--every limit--you have ever believed you were.  Only in that way can you discover who you really are."  

"Damn", my mind thinks, "are you really gonna do this? What the heck has gotten into you?"   

Well, (in no particular order) might as well answer that question a bit…

For starters, after almost a decade elsewhere my son Ambrose at 23 has arrived to take his place in my life, and I am just in love with him being here with me.  He is so like what I had dreamed I could be like when I was young… so awake, so sensitive to the people he is meeting here, so kind.  Yet he is also struggling to find his way out of the boxes of his own self-sabotages, and I am his older, wiser support (God willing).  He is talking with me, sharing with me… in ways and on subjects that I never had the courage to do with my own father. And, we having been both trained by Landmark, we share a language that we can both use. I am so proud of him.  And he is being so appreciative of me.  The essence of this goes so very far beyond words that I cannot find any right now…. except to say that I am stunned by the love that is present between us and that is playing out by creating happiness adventures simply sharing the most common everyday activities with him.  This is the best it has ever been for me, as a father.  Even better than my memories of caring for him as an infant…  

In addition, there have been some very impacting movies showing up…. (Ambrose asked me to install high speed internet as necessary for his musical composing education) and several times now we have shared those journeys… watching I AM,  Thrive, & A Day with the Dalai Lama together.  We talked afterwards about what we are seeing and where it is taking our minds. For a long time we have both shared a great love of Mother Earth, our Gaia…but in these days it is becoming passionate.  We discuss and consider the possible futures of Life soberly outside of the box of father/son… more like colleagues…  

And there have been several other 'movies' of the real-life kind on my plate to learn from this week too…

A. I--thinking I was doing proper maintenance--apparently overtorqued my little Geo's headbolts and caused my headgasket to blow---right when there are several needful trips on the near horizon. So I had the opportunity to choose to worry about that or not (I'd say I compromised mid-stream).  The miracle?  Instead of me once again doing it myself (enjoyable & educationally gratifying but painfully greasy & slow) suddenly I am being introduced to an excellent mechanic who has a piano that needs repairing too, so… in a few days we will exchange our services and my car will be professionally repaired.  I am thrilled and so is he.  

B. If you have been reading me for any length of time you know that my presence in Yuma has been a function of supporting my surviving mother. Well, it's been decided by my family that my mother is leaving Yuma. And in a few weeks she is moving into another assisted living facility close to San Francisco, near my youngest brother (who is her estate power of attorney).  This is a pretty huge change for me. Unexpectedly, I am looking at 'what's next' in terms of being freed from the need to be 'home-based' here.  I don't expect any rapid change of location as I've become quite rooted here, but I am now free to imagine living somewhere else. And in relation to Mom, realizing that she won't be physically available is suddenly exposing a feeling of urgency to make sure I am complete with her…  and I am on a two week timeline for that.  Very interesting, yes?  

C. I know I have not mentioned it for a good while, but I am still breaking new ground in learning to be authentically myself in the legal world, practicing particularly these days in terms of my Not Guilty stand [which concerns being ticketed on the Big Sur coast last summer for sleeping (camping) in my car].  There have been several steps taken in that journey that are bringing me closer to an actual court trial. And as those steps have been taken, I am at the same time journeying into a deeper exploration of just what it is to practice forgiveness, but respectfully at the same time still requiring accountability.  So I report to you that this past week I received an official letter from the ticketing CHP officer's Captain letting me know they needed more time to comply with my legally authorized requests for public records, and I wrote a letter back that contained the following closing paragraphs (that I share with you both as a 'report' ---but also to put into your hands the extraordinary reading list it contains): 

(beginning of letter quote...)  

Further, in the interest of upgrading the accountability and transparency of legal agency with a greater consciousness, I offer you some sources of relevant enlightened thinking, the exposure to which I view as universally beneficial.  My opinion is that material of this nature would be highly contributive as a required part of officer development and/or re-certification curriculum.  For whatever miracle it may precipitate then, I pray you will see fit to peruse these suggestions and pass them both upwards and downwards in your command chain, that the universal beneficialness they contain be made available to be acquired by the law enforcement community.  This suggested study curriculum for personal transformation is excerpted from an article by Clinton Callahan, where he notes 'Put these books on your bedside table and watch the universe change before your eyes'… 

Robert Wolff's Original Wisdom
William Glasser's Choice Theory
Robert Fritz' Creating
Joseph Chilton Pearce's From Magical Child to
Magical Teen
Malidoma Patrice Somé's Of Water and the Spirit
Martin Prechtel's Secrets of the Talking Jaguar and 
Long Life Honey In The Heart
James P. Carse's Finite and Infinite Games, 
Lyall Watson's Gifts of Unknown Things and 
Lightening Bird
Clinton Callahan's Radiant Joy Brilliant Love and Directing The Power Of Conscious Feelings
Brad Blanton's Radical Honesty,  
Red Hawk's Self Observation.

I again thank you for your attention to this dialogue, understanding that you stand in the juncture of the great balancing challenge of jurisprudence:  to allow freedom while maintaining order.  While some will argue that that is only possible through using force, I would counter that authentic order is best created via living an inspired life.  My best to you in this….

(end of quoted letter)  

Ok, I admit I sound a little formal, yes?  What can I say, it's 'the legal arena'.  Anyway, the reading list is absolutely worth the deep attention I hope you will give it.  

Now, for the 'related climax' of this edition … the real kicker… I report that the upside-down turner of my world is the guided journey I am taking within Clinton Callahan's book Radiant Joy, Brilliant Love. It's in the above list, and I have never encountered anything quite like it.  (A Course in Miracles perhaps comes closest, but it is a completely different genre.) It was only this morning that I read the back cover---where it actually warns you that if you are not seriously willing to change/transform, do not read this book--- because the ideas in it will cause ruptures to the way you view life. I am finding this to be absolutely true. But way too late to back out-- I am now 'infected' by the memetic clarity viruses that this amazing book has been delivered to me and I am already being altered. I do not know yet exactly where this book is leading me---I only know that I must find out how to get to its mystery….to where these words were authored from. I have come to recognize that Clinton is speaking from a level of penetrating insight and authority that is stunning. In the book it is referred to as 'being Adult'.  On nearly every page I am seeing my egoic child small self accurately described and busted. Should I be humiliated?  No!!! What I actually feel like is I am finally being freed! My ego-I has met a match.  I am in a brand new territory. I am choosing to grow up.  

Yet, my I AM-ness is also being validated.  How's that?  I mean I have often felt the feelings (that are being described) within me, but because of my programming I never trusted myself to trust them, and so I never followed them into my inner truth cave (this was the programs purpose, by the way--to cause me to doubt, and not chose to follow my feelings)---at least not deeply enough to discover what Mr. Callahan has discovered.  I am so grateful that he has done his work so well! That is true leading!  And also I am grateful that he has been so conscientious in laying out his experience and his recommendations for those like me (and like you?) who have been called to personal responsibility and freedom, but who have been made hesitant and timid by our cultural indoctrinations. As he says, while there are maps available (and his book is an amazing one) there is no standard or guaranteed way to cross the perilous and temptation/self-deception-filled waters of true self-discovery. Yet there will be help available for the journeyer on the Way, because the Universe especially loves those courageous enough to act on their desires to become free, and become Adults.  I am counting on that to be true.  And (chanting Gate´, Gate´, Paragate´, Parasamgate´, Bodhiswaha) I will continue reporting to you 'the journey'.  

May you each be at peace, knowing Love is real. May you trust it within yourself.  

Namaste, & Sat Nam, 


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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

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