EWJ #67
Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #67
©2014 Rev. David Seacord
March 22, 2014
Four and one-half new poems...
Happiness does not take all that much.
When I am willing to be a simple man,
the heart of me can leap up
with YES!
at the slightest beauty.
If I am empty enough…
(especially of my self-importance
or my habituatednesses...
or the tethers of the old
Today my indigenous happiness radiations praised the undying
self-renewing life everywhere--
oh, I could not help myself--
for five shoots of new sweet corn
have broken ground after two weeks of watering, waiting,
and the fresh leafed crown
of the three year old persimmon,
at its upraised eye-height of seven feet
is full with it's first fruit flowers!
Is this not true worship?
Milarepa has been my guide
especially of late
especially when turning wrenches
especially when making mistakes
especially when discovering everything counts
especially when persevering and taking independent engine parts
and somehow assembling of them a running engine.
He 'only' built a house for his guru (some 900 years ago)
What?… ten times?
You know the story? How each time finished
the guru said, Good--- now unbuild it. Then, now build it again.
Like that, my teacher has been my motor.
Ah, the learning!
The last Monday climax that was not the climax
but was only the twenty minute pleasure drive
for discovering that wrong sound---
that knock knock knock that must be found
even if the whole engine must be
completely taken apart again.
Ah guru… again?
They say enlightenment is only surrender that is faster than the eye can see.
It turns out this is true.
yet you know, once the will
is re-gained
the second go-round contains
little of the hesitations
of the first.
Thank you, ever-deepening practice, for attention does work.
Thus three weeks condenses
into three days.
Now I have been smiling
for over 50 brand new rebuilt engine baby-easy-pamper-it miles.
I have learned it is OK if
I give myself the permission to:
make mistakes.
have emotions.
take chances.
joyfully feel my own uniqueness.
be truly happy.
know my connectedness to others whether I 'know' them or not.
take care of myself.
understand who I am and what I am here for.
be a stand for whatever I can see is true.
give up being naive.
write lists/be organized.
take on what is obvious to me is mine to take on.
keep learning.
stay interested.
be 'nobody special', but still KNOW I do make a difference.
live into THAT (knowing), and contribute to life by loving it.
never cease trusting the goodness.
self-express completely.
accept that I am responsible for what I make of this life.
love myself.
trust myself.
know myself.
Know God.
no me. no you. not two.
I am suddenly so aware
that the time is so short…
that in 13 days
my seemingly endless wonderful journey
of my winter-visiting son
will end.
Oh, it is good in so many ways
for he is renewed
and ready.
And the pasture at times has been small.
Yet the clutch in my throat
that fears being incomplete
should I not find out
how to say
I so love you
I would die for you
that good fear
is my best friend
Even though it will never end.
It is always enough.
Many blessing to each and all,
Namaste, & Sat Nam,
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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag
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