Meeting my still unnamed godson, who I traveled north to Portland, Oregon to meet this past week...
Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #53
© 2013 Rev. David Seacord
December 8, 2013
Birthing Our Best…
Question: To the myriad challenges of life in this world, who has valid answers?
To share the answer I am receiving, the truth is: each of us does. Is not that why we have lived?…. to learn, and to grow, and to discover and then LIVE/BE 'our answers'. Perhaps we do not have answers for every problem that exists, but for at least some of them we do. Is this not self-evident? And can you/I not see that the answer we do have to whatever it is that we recognize needs upgrading/transforming would be (at the least) a major improvement on what is so now? If we tell the truth to ourselves, we must admit this is so. Yes? In our areas of expertise, we KNOW this….
Then I ask, if that is so, what are the justifications we/I use to withhold the contributing of those visions, insights, and inspirations to our greater community, knowing we act for the purpose of increasing the wellbeing of all life? Why do we so often not act? What stops us from being the greatest contributor that we could be?
There are many individual answers to that, yes, yet they all boil down to the same thing. Fear. For some reason, we are afraid to. What we are afraid of is very individual---fear of loss, fear of exposure, fear of facing our unworthiness, fear of our past catching up with us, fear of commitment, fear of being loved, fear of not surviving, fear of being laughed at, fear of the responsibility of such leadership, and fear of failure (to name a few).
And what is the truth about these fears? Are they real?
If your/my answer is 'yes', then may I suggest that we must recognize our commonality….that each of us has a great many of them… that normally, none of us in this embodiment holodeck is/are completely fearless. In this we are amazingly similar… we are all born into and are the inheritors of conditions and conditionings of fear. And our relationship to and our choices in regards to this prevalent condition inevitably shapes our life.
If your answer is 'no', that these fears are not real…then may I suggest we must recognize that each of us---somewhere in our depths--- KNOWS that this is also True. However, that (as the acronym underlines) F.E.A.R. is a 'false evidence appearing real' does NOT mean that we normally experience the appearance of our fear structures fearlessly. Even when we have learned to handle (through honest practice) certain levels of our fear structures, even when we know that that means that the Universe will certainly soon test us to see exactly how deep our realization of our true freedom actually is, my suspicion is that most of us will find (through the surprise of a direct experience) that we are normally quite unaware of how deeply the tap-root of our fear structure has rooted itself into our basic identity sense. I suggest that it is in those revelatory moments of stripped naked exposure that we see our own arrogance and bluffery toward life most clearly. This is great good news, for in those moments, our compassion for our human predicament has a huge opportunity to grow. And as a result, our kindness towards ourselves and others also grows, yes?
I can testify that in my own life journey, the central question under all appearances has always been: In this moment, in this _____ situation, will I choose Love?, or Fear? Culturally, our default conditioning is to bow to our fears, and be controlled by it/them. This is reinforced thousands of times a week via the messages of this worlds mainstream culture to our minds. We are told there is no other reasonable choice, that to choose Love instead is a personal suicide. Given this, it is usually the result of (what I would call) a grace given miracle that we ever transcend ourselves enough to choose to authentically Love. Yet in a world of billions, at least millions now are. And those millions are being the living inspiration for even more millions to also throw their cast, their lot, for Love…no matter the personal consequence.
This choice is alway central, whether it is about some external situation or some internal challenge. In my experience, both are of equal importance, for Unity of Being eventually requires I/you/us to see that actually, neither the external or the internal is really real…. that those distinctions are in reality only points on a continuum of awareness that is Infinite. And (it is worth noting) acquiring a view of this continuum of Infinite Awareness requires the prerequisite of recognizing the validity of the Unity of Beingness. It's sort of a 'Catch-22'…
What am I speaking about? (Perhaps it's a slight digression from my main point, but what) I am saying (again) is that Unity of Being equals AND REQUIRES selflessness, or (said another way) the disappearance of the belief in ourselves as individual separatenesses. How else can I/we/you become fully telepathic--- except by BEING/FULLY FEELING the 'other'. Except via giving up being a separateness, how else can I/we/you receive 'all knowledge when and as needed', or feel the subtle intuitional lines of guidance continually being offered--- lines that when followed are confirmed again and again by the occurrences of miracles and synchronistic events that clearly open the way to living in greater and greater Light, and deeper Love, and an evermore more authentic maturity? The doorway to our authentic maturity then is this selflessness. And the access to that doorway is via facing and breaking/dissolving the grip of our currently active and inherited fear conditioning.
To the question "Is it possible to fully awaken from our fears?" my answer is:Because it is our only true purpose 'here', it is inevitable (eventually, for everyone…and perhaps the only questions remaining after realizing this are: 'how long will that take?, how will it happen?, and will there still be a salvageable planet in existence by then?…). I sense strongly now that 'the way it will play out' is 'up to us'. I mean Really.
Think of it this way…. What exactly is 'heaven'? Is not 'heaven' a condition of being aware of being so loved that it is impossible to contemplate any fear as 'real'? Yes? Is this not what we learned as we studied the teaching given through A Course in Miracles? I.E., that Love is the all-encompassing truth, and that what is all-emcompassing can have no opposite that is REAL? And when Donald Shamoda is teaching Richard Bach to walk on water and swim through land (as described in "Illusions, the Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah" by Richard Bach) was he not demonstrating the reversal of all belief systems based upon conditioned limitation of being?
Further, is this not the actual meaning of the words of Jesus of Nazareth, when speaking that "the truth shall set you free?" Was not his life a demonstration that no fear-based limit contains any truth? Did he not say again and again… "Fear not!"
Did not Nio (in The Matrix) simply discover (finally) that (when willing to die, to face his own non-existence) his was the power to SEE that his Thought had the power to alter 'the program', and that therein, in being responsible for THAT, lay true freedom? Have you/I not read perhaps hundreds of books proclaiming this same truth… that to be responsible for our thinking, our thoughts--- that that is the path to our freedom? Yes, yes, and yes again…correct?
To the point of saturation? I pray the answer is yes to that also….for myself, and for you. Why? Because if you/I are/am thus saturated we are ripe, and thus ready for our NEXT growth journey, our next 'initiation'…one that leaves I/you permanently altered, increased, and potent.
I say to you/myself: Remember only this---while we have breath, our only true purpose is to Be Love. There are no exceptions.
To aid my mind to stabilize in the remembering of my heart (which is where my KNOWING of this purpose lives) I was used many years ago to create and offer this world a thought-form (which I now recognize as 'a thoughtware') called "The Love Declaration". (To review, visit To have this thoughtware distributed to and functioning in billions of people has always been my dream and idealized vision, yet for decades I have failed to give the full power of my life to this calling. The reason can only be because I too have continued to listen to 'my' fears. I have attempted the compromise… to have both fear AND love.
This compromise is impossible. This I have now the clarity to see (Thank you, Clinton Callahan). As A Course In Miracles speaks: The most difficult thing to get about Truth is that it is True. You get this? Yes? Then you/I can no longer expect to live an ordinary life. Please join me in giving up that thought up completely. Then please join me is celebrating with honor, the birth of being another life worth living. Yours & my own. Say yes to this. Just do it.
Namaste, & Sat Nam….
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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag
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