Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #50
© 2013 Rev. David Seacord
November 19, 2013
Giving it all up to Love….
Hello, & Namaste, a couple of days 'late'….
First thing to celebrate with you is the arrival of the gorgeous soul that you see above… my 'godson' (due to the instrumental part I played in bringing his parents into each others lives). 'BabyBliss' arrived last Thursday, November 14, in Portland, Oregon and I am feeling immensely blessed that he is now here with us. For some intuitive reason I feel certain a great soul has been born, and that I have a karma with him that will unfold over the coming years. As far as I know no name has yet landed upon him. I have mentioned in recent journals that I have been planning to make a brief trip soon to Portland to personally welcome him… that will happen shortly after Thanksgiving….. Although there has been no conversation about it yet with his parents, recently I realized that when I am there my real function then will be 'to anoint' and 'to consecrate' the wholeness of God within him that he IS…
I arrived back in Yuma yesterday afternoon from my month in New Mexico, expecting to share 36 hours (before her return flight) with my visiting-Mom-from-the-east-coast dear sister (#3) who was born next after me, and who was my constant childhood companion. I haven't seen her since my father's 2010 transition. And I then discovered that another sibling sister (#5) had also arrived to join the visiting… So it was suddenly a family reunion time… full of conversations about our shared past and Mom's impact upon each of us, in part affected by our placements in the family lineup. Because they will both leave tomorrow (Wednesday) morning, today is actually our families 'Thanksgiving' opportunity. And…. my opportunity (at her request) to lead my sister in her very first yoga class. I am looking forward to the blessing of doing that….
During this past weekends traveling, I laid-over for 24 hours mid-way on the journey home, out in the windswept high mesas of northeastern Arizona near Snowflake and Showlow… traditional Apache and Navajo painted desert country. But this area also happens to be the home territory of a two longtime good friends (who didn't know each other until now) who have both been generous with their welcoming invitations over the years. In accepting those invitations on this journey, I found myself bringing them together and we all attending two Sunday spiritual events at seemingly opposite ends of the spectrum…. One was a late afternoon Sufi community gathering where we shared Dances of Universal Peace, and a potluck afterwards. It was located at a very rural but impeccably constructed off-grid homestead several miles down bumpy barely maintained and street-signless dirt roads. Almost everyone else of the 25 people attending lived similarly off-grid and in relatively inaccessible locations too--- in fact the whole area is full of 'hippie back-to-the-landers" who arrived 20 to 30 years ago and who have built beautiful alternative community-full lives for themselves there. It was a good feeling fit for my spirit... and I found in the experience a deep appreciation of the commitment that is required to chose this type of lifestyle. My LPN/mid-wife/herbalist/healer hostess had also built her own very unique strawbale home and (for me) using her guest quarters was akin to being given the beloved cave a Himalayan saint to use….
The other spiritual event I/we found myself at (at the invitation of my other friend's inquiry if I'd like to 'go to church' with she and her husband) was a Pentacostal-orientated Christian worship service, where many in the congregation were quite unabashed in their expressions of devotionally praising Jesus (especially musically), where at least one man was openly wearing a holstered pistol on his belt (that no one paid any attention to), and where the passionate preaching of the 30-something blue-jeaned and untucked-in shirted pastor was full of references to the spiritual war being waged upon this Earth between the Savior Jesus and Satan the deceiver. Theologically, it was not really 'my usual cup of tea', but…I am still digesting the experience, mining it for the insights and treasures it contains for me. Yes, in the past there have been plenty of times that I have out-of-hand simply rejected paradigms of this nature, but… hopefully I am now wiser than then, and understand the deeper 'lawfulness' of much that seems incomprehensible.
One of the insights I have seen is that both experiences were within communities that shared lovingly with each other…. In other words, it didn't matter that the values and belief systems that were being believed were polar opposite, the human expression within each community was to be loving to each other inside of the affinity created by the shared belief system. This phenomena is similar to seeing (in a war situation) that the supposed 'enemies' that one is warring against are actually 'just like us'…. human beings who simply seek to live the lives that their beliefs tell them are correct and 'right'.
Obviously it is a form of insanity to be at war at any level with others that are essentially ourselves. No amount of justifying such ways of being within the mind will ever be able reverse our knowing that this is not being True to Love. It is not 'the easy path'... to be a peacemaker in a world full of war. Yet, my seeing is it is the only path that offers a return to the sanity of Love. Clearly the true journey of the peacemaker must begin within our own hearts, and with the consistent practice of forgiveness. We must forgive both ourselves and others to the depth that we are able to discover that both are illusions. It is a deep mystery… that forgiveness and selflessness are the same thing. I believe it is a very good target to place upon the alter of our heart. In this, I am like you, using this moment to practice being true….
Namaste, & Sat Nam…
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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag
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