A sketch from last summer's walkabout... ©2013 Rev. David Seacord, Acrylic on Paper, about 5" x 10"
Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #52
©2013 Rev. David Seacord
December 1, 2013
Discovering Deep Maturity...
Wouldn't it just be AMAZING to ALWAYS be at peace within ourselves? I mean, to, no matter what, keep the connection to
Source/Love/Perfection? And to be able to SEE, no matter how dark the illusion, that only the Godness is 'the truth of it all'?
Do you think it is possible? To learn to navigate masterfully through our emotions, our mentally generated inner conflicts, our confrontations with disease and aging, our self-centeredness… in such a way that despite anycircumstance, we each remain open hearted and fully conscious?
If your inner answer is 'no' (whatever your public persona says) then I invite you and I (or you and somebody/anybody with a powerful integrity) to set down and begin examining the seemingly endless list of beliefs that created that no. I suggest we take each one of them into a 'truth room' for a no bullshit very up-close look. And I suggest we agree that in that 'truth room' we will allow the whole truth of the matter to be exposed. Publicly (as 'in front of the room'), but in the space of safety also.
Why publicly? Because as I have seen hundreds of time in past Landmark work, we need each other to witness and validate our transitions, our releases, our courages. We need to learn how to be publicly intimate with hundreds or even thousands of other ourselves. We need this in order to become the compassionate forces for good that the Godness within each of us has been calling for each of us to be our entire lives.
Do you know why I write this? Do you know why I each week create this journal? It is (I am suddenly seeing) so that I am kept 'pressed up against it' (so to speak). I mean, each of us, in being responsible for our own destinies (both in this incarnation and beyond it too), has to face that to grow into whatever it is that we are capable of being we must sever ourselves from whatever it is within us that would sabotage that best possible destiny from coming into being. As almost certainly is so in you, I also have a 'no' within me that has anchored me in the world of maya for as long as I have memory. And it is from within this world of maya that I have listened to the calls of Heaven…. encouraging me to let go… to trust… to face my fears until I can identify their falsenesses, until they cease to have any power over me. A Course in Miracles calls this 'listening to the Voice for God', and allowing it to be my guide. It tells me that if I will 'with a little willingness' do that listening, that I will be led to the upper edges of the Maya, close enough to 'Heaven' for the true Grace of the Godness to be able to strike me with a transformational thunderbolt potent enough that there will be no egoic recovery.
I do not advise that we become addicted to the dream of that magic bullet thunderbolt however. In my experience it will arrive 'in God's timing' only. I wrote a while back about my 'slow enlightenment' realizations… that (like the turtle in the fable) it is the steadily consistent discipline of our sadhanas that produces a fruit worth having. I remember a simple story a music teacher once told me… that the difference between someone who masters an instrument and someone who does not is very simple: In the beginning they both practice and practice and practice and then the breakthrough comes. They both arrive at a new level. But then, they like-wise both 'level off'. The one who becomes the master recognizes that he must continue to practice practice practice (with full attention) for as long as it takes, until the next breakthrough (and the next, and the next). But the musical dabbler became addicted to the rush of the breakthrough only. The practicing part becomes boring to him, and his attention wanders. He wants only the breakthroughs, the rushes. Soon he stops practicing altogether, seeking something else that promises 'easier rushes'.
Our 'voice for the Godness' does not normally guide us to the edges of Maya closest to Heaven as directly as possible. Why? It would be counterproductive. If you have ever entered Heaven via drug usage you may have learned this. Are you still there? Were you able to stay? If you are reading this, the answer is undoubtedly no. Why not? Because we/I/you were not ready… we couldn't carry the amperage… there was too much self still within us. I suggest that only the selfless get to live in Heaven, whether that is an 'on-earth' Heaven, or another beyond-this-dimension one.
So how do we become responsible for developing our selflessness? What I am seeing is the first thing we/I/you must learn is to authentically feel our heart. If you/I/we cannot feel our heart, we cannot hear it's voice. If we cannot hear it's voice, we are lost in the Maya of our own minds. And in terms of developing selflessness, I suggest to you that our own mind is our least reliable asset of trustableness.
Prasad (coaching me on a relationship issue) once gave me two great secrets (applicable everywhere). He told me "Don't believe your mind". "And, don't know who 'the other' IS". You might say, 'Well, if I cannot believe my mind, who can I believe?' And my answer in this Now is: your no-mind. That is, your 'beyond-your-mind'. Another way to say that is, the silent ever-present awareness of absolute LOVE that is available whenever the mind is silent'. I have never experienced the guidance of THAT to be untrustable. I have always experienced THAT to be THE voice of my truest being. I have always experienced THAT to be who I AM in a way that when followed, I am satisfied that I 'was TRUE to my Self', that I could have done no better, and that I am/was able to be at peace with the outcome.
This outcome… our own inner peace…is (as A Course in Miracles teaches) the grace that is guaranteed to be given when we finally have learned to place no other gods above THE LOVE (of and for 'the Godness'). This inner peace also contains everything we need to become transformed into perfected, fearless instruments for the Will of Love in this world. This is so because true inner peace and selflessness are identical.
Therefore, being responsible for developing our selflessness is being responsible for quieting the Mind/your Mind/my Mind (same/same) (via whatever sadhana-form you/I/we are willing to be committed to). Individually, as this occurs, our/your/my Knowing expands. Collectively, as this occurs, our world will know Peace (which is to say, The Love that IS is, remains, and/or becomes, the ever-present experience of all beings). It is this Possibility of Humanity that we serve, it is this Possibility that calls us to our greatness, our selflessness, our deepest human maturity.
Namaste, & Sat Nam,
(PS… a note of deserved credit… without tracing the dots, that these words have come through me in this Now has everything to do with impact of studying the work of Clinton Callahan this week. I refer you to his work, via his YouTube videos [starting with the cartoons], and www.nextculture.org.)
(PSS… as this is EWJ #52, it is apparently a year since these weekly sharings began. Thank you for receiving them into your lives.)
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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag
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