Sunday, August 25, 2013

EWJ #32 And the point was....?

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Eastern Oregon's Little Strawberry Lake.  photo © 2013 Rev. David Seacord

Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #32
© 2013 Rev. David Seacord
July 14, 2013
"And the point was…?"

Although life is moving on to other lessons, based on some of your comments about my recent Montana arrest adventure I am briefly revisiting it first, mostly to say what did not get said the first time.  As a friend pointed out, "Well, you may have been thinking that, but you didn't say it in your writings…".   

So the point that I apparently missed last week was: for me, the whole story was about facing suddenly changing circumstances from a place of inner peace.  That was the big win for me… that I discovered that yes, I could chose being peaceful and loving even when suddenly under arrest, and stay peaceful and loving even when destitute, and remain peaceful and forgiving when everybody involved finally realized the whole thing had been a series of mistakes based on various misperceptions. Perhaps what it all comes down to is (as a friend pointed out) I was "too high to not be high" (from a law enforcement paradigm, at least).  And, as Trooper Love shared with me during his apology, he "just wasn't ready to meet someone like me" that day.  

Of course that is not true (as the Universe in its wisdom makes no mistakes) and we did in fact meet that day.  Both of us were ready to be tested, to meet the other ourself, and in the end, get that our initial perceptions of each other were faulty (as all perceptions minus the awareness of the 'fundamental brotherhood unity' must necessarily be).  In particular, mine were faulty in that my historical 1990's years of legal studies continued to re-create a fear-based prejudice within me against the rampant corruption within the law enforcement establishment nationally.   These were reactivated by the dragnet stop, plus (with that activation) my body supplied me with a huge dose of fight or flight adrenaline, making it initially somewhat difficult to appear stable, and also for me to recognize I was meeting an uncorrupted honest cop.  Trooper Love I am sure had his own prejudicial perceptions to overcome also, as I am sure that for the most part, I appeared to fit the profile of drug user, especially as it was obvious I had just exited the Rainbow Gathering.  So the real story here is one of two separateness' moving gradually into sharing affinity, communication, and reality (the three-legged triangle that creates 'relationship'.  That was done by the inner self-honesty that we both possessed as we each observed each other over time, which led to a reversal of our initial opinions. It is not lost on me that this is the exact same process that is necessary to heal ANY form of separation, be it in a marriage, a work dispute, or between nations.  As my beloved friend Sarah said many years ago: "It's ALL about LISTENING!!!!"   

And, as Eckhart Tolle has commented: "What Jesus meant when he said 'Love your enemies' is to have no enemies…".  This is fundamental, if a unified mind is ever to be achieved, yes?  This does not mean do not stand for what you believe in.  It simply means that when you find yourself on the opposite side of the fence from someone else, do not allow that temporary 3D positioning to cause you to forget that the other is (at 4D and above) another yourself.  As Einstein is widely quoted as saying, "the answers do not lie on the level of reality that created the problem-- they are found only when one can access a GREATER level of reality" (that's probably not an exact quote, btw).   

In any event, our/your/my journey is full of opportunities to move into greater and greater expanded awareness.  What stops the expansion is what Pir Vilayat Khan used to call 'the gravity pull of the world---back to the mundane realms'.  These are our habituations of mind and body--- our comfort zones of falsenesses that we (as egos) usually do not wish to be disturbed.  We can thank the universe (which is always FOR us) when the gifts of such disturbances do arrive, for it means that we are being offered another opportunity to spiritually graduate into a greater freedom of being… one less limited by the phenomenal world.  As Jesus often demonstrated to the amazement of his followers, mastery of the phenomenal world is possible.  To those still trapped, they look like miracles, because they reverse the 'natural laws', and preform the 'impossible'.  Obviously then, they are not impossible.  They are simply the masterful application of a higher, yet to be discovered truth.  

Yesterday I did a six mile hike up to a wilderness lake nearby here (the small town of Prairie City, Oregon…where my family owns some property that I am visiting and doing some maintenance on [plus painting]) , and ended up having satsang with a couple of men on a weekend there, escaping their professional lives in the city.  One of the insights that the conversation generated was the (new to coming through me) commentary that "Jesus did not come to create followers---he came to create other Messiah's!"  As he clearly said: "ALL that I do, YE shall also do".  Of course that does not happen to most Christians (or followers of any faith for that matter).  I suggest this is because the comfort zone of most followers is being 'a believer' (especially since historically becoming a 'knower' has generally been viewed by the mass mind as a heresy and could get you crucified…).  Be that being as it may be, and thus being the bed of hot coals that must be walked across…. to me it is clear that the point of all spiritually is to bring us to the point where we COMPLETELY get over ourselves (ie, enter true selflessness), and thus become (by default, as it were) ONE with that power that IS the true power of existence, which we have always been taught is LOVE.  Therefore, the best pointers of the way that I have recognized as trustable have aways contained the teachings/instructions that to "be Love" one needs to practice LOVE WITHOUT EXCEPTION.  Not as some nice fairytale ideal… but as the practical and grounded respect-filled path to 'making the world work'.  By the way, the reverse side of the coin labeled LOVE WITHOUT EXCEPTION is FORGIVE WITHOUT EXCEPTION (same/same, yes?).  For to forgive is toend the use of 'law' against another.  

Changing gears… personally this week I have been working on transforming myself from a horizontal (flat) painter, to a vertical painter.  This is so I can begin to paint publicly and on-location and thus interact with whomever is interested.  So far my practice results have been encouraging.  I will begin sharing them with you soon, I am sure.  Today though, enjoy the journey to Little Strawberry Lake… it is a beautiful spot on this earth worth sharing.  

Peace and Love to you all, 

Namaste & Sat Nam, 



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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

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