The courtyard behind the old church that is now a 'cultural center' was walled, so that only the unknown inhabitants of a second story apartment on the other side of the alley had any view if it. The spigot and the dangling hose were now in the shade of the church wall, a different world completely than that of the sun-scorched concrete a few feet away. The venetian blinds in the apartment looked convincingly from this distance like they were closed against the same sun….
I went for it. Grabbing a towel that I keep in my car, I doffed my sandals and whitish linen shorts…the only clothes I'd been wearing… and turned on the spigot, keeping my bare posterior facing that apartment window, just in case. God, what a heavenly thing it is to step under a running hose of cool water after hours of 105 degree sweating…. yes? And the feel of the breeze hitting the skin as I toweled… that is freshness.
Could this be 'the high point' of my day? What a crazy, foolish question! Who should care! Life cannot be lived constantly looking backwards. Life is lived non-comparatively…. and, one good moment like this at a time. All I knew was it was a glorious moment. Then…happy for the break...
I went back inside the building….into the un-air-conditioned oven of the meeting hall…where the free gift of the old grand piano that I was repairing to make useable awaited it's resurrection at my hands for its future audiences.
A long long time ago in the mid-1980's I received a phone call at my Santa Fe home inviting me to a meeting about a female saint from India. The meeting was to be an slide show introduction to the saint and a Q & A about whether to invite her to New Mexico. She was coming to the USA for the first time in a few months, and the American woman/girl/devotee I was speaking with (who had been living with her in India for some time) had been sent back to the States to organize the visit.
I went to the meeting, as did about a dozen other people, and watched a video of a white robed young woman hugging and blessing crowds of people in India. And I and others said yes, let us invite her to New Mexico. And so Ammachi came to New Mexico, that first year to a living room-sized crowd, but that grew quickly into a big top, and then that---as the crowds continually increased--gave way to the using the largest hotels…
Except for the crowds growing, Ammachi has pretty much stayed with the same general tour pattern… first Seattle, then San Francisco, then LA, then NM, then Dallas & eastward etc… (If you can visit Amma anywhere, yes, do it! More info at
Tuesday (for the first time there) I will go see her in LA. As it has been several years since our last such rendezvous, it will be a precious moment for my heart.
Oh… and the point of the story?… No beginning is too small for the truth to use. All that is required is the sincere invitation.
June 17 is my 'leave Yuma' (for the summer) day. For several weeks I have been busy crossing off the items on my 'must do before leaving' list. Install automatic outdoor plant watering system. Done. Finish building new cargo tow trailer. Done (except the tail-light bug..). Repair piano at St. Paul's. In progress. Repair Mom's roof. Up next…. The universe is helping out with miracles here and there, as it sees I am serious. And I know I am too, because I've been spending the money to get everything shipshape. (That's all I will say about that.) Therefore this one's sadhana… and adventure…(same/same) will then continue for about two weeks in northern New Mexico, where I AM going to be attending the 3HO Summer Solstice gathering (as a member of the audio sound crew [Big Yes!]). This is a return to and deeper-exploration of the Kundalini yoga connections and practices that I wrote about experiencing in April at Sat Nam Fest, with the added benefit that it takes me home to New Mexico for the first time since last November. I have no assignment that I know of other than to make sure I do not escaped untouched. I am very curious….
I suspect several other northwestward semi-long-distance journeys will follow sequentially, as that is the vision--- 64 year-old happy rawfooder and 'Love-Declaration/music/art-sharing-lightworker with tiny just built unique tow-trailer of art (and art & music-making supplies) hits road in ultra-economical very low carbon footprint little ol' Geo Metro' for summer-long walkabout under God's guidance… (this is in contrast to 'hits road in lumbering big expensive to operate diesel cargo truck---as was the case last summer…).
I suspect it just seems like times change. But really, if we/I stay in the moment, it is just forever unfolding now now now now now.
If you don't mind, I'll save the rest of my subject lines for another edition. Like I said, 'brief windows' is the order for today. Other active irons-in-the-fire…they need maturity time still.
Hope this was a nice little read for you. Thanks for coming by. You-all come back soon again, hear?
Namaste, Sat Nam,
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