Sunday, August 25, 2013

EWJ #26 Standing FOR....

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Entering a New Beginning ©2012 Rev. David Seacord 24" x 36" Acrylic on Canvas

Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #26
© 2013 Rev. David Seacord
May 26, 2013
Standing for...

8 PM Saturday evening…The 20 inch fan sits upon it's mounting pole 7 feet behind me, speed set on medium, blowing the 90-ish degree summer evening air upon my bare back.  It feels cooling against my sweat… not like an air-conditioner's unnaturally frigid kind of cold… more like the gift of a breeze when working in summer fields.  I sit on my Zen-like slanted bench, knees folded, legs under me, watching my fingers type and my computer screen responding, aware of my breathing, and recognizing that for some reason the moment is poetic….

Today, because in my pondering I came to see that 'not to' was to be led by the voice of a inner cowardice that I AM no longer willing  to give my life to, I actually physically marched (for the first time I can clearly remember since the Viet Nam War) 'against' something…something facelessly named Monsanto.  In case you do not know, there were mass media-ignored protest marches against the GMO biotech corporation around the world today in more than 300 cities, Yuma being just one of them.  I put the 'against' in hyphens because I am not 'against' things as a norm… but I AM very much FOR a great many principles that the corporate giant is clearly not operating from (with unfortunately, devastating results upon many peoples and life forms planet-wide)… and that being the case, I chose today to stand up and say by my participation in Yuma's diminutive forty-person march that Monsanto (just like each of us individually) must be accountable for the results of it's choices.  Actually, I didn't say that accurately.  Because really, it is and will be you and I that must also be willing to be responsible and accountable.  Even in 'the best case scenario', Monsanto's impact could never be corrected (cleaned up) by Monsanto alone (the chemical/genetic havoc they have unleashed is too widespread and pervasive)… therefore, I am clear that after their agenda is defeated and they are reintroduced to the human equalness that begets sanity again, that because 'there is really only one of us here', it is we that have the opportunity/responsibility…and shall inherit… the work of healing this world.  

At one point during the short march I found myself on camera talking to a local TV station's microphone.  As I have no TV service I will not see whatever the result of that conversation is edited into... if it is aired.  And even though the reporter's face was a strange mix of boredom and 'who are these crazies'…I pray and affirm that only good will come of it.  To me, the interesting part was that I was so clear I had something to say to that camera and to the people beyond it.  I felt 'the messenger' in me raise up and be, if not eloquent, at the least, the speaker of a committed view. 

In the long run, that may be the big spiritual payoff for my participation…because (for me) to discover that committed view has been the work of this lifetime, in a way.  I think that that is the Way for many of us… that at first (as children) we do not know much of anything… we are clueless and easily taken advantage of… but IF via the long path of accumulating experience year after year we do begin to 'awaken' it is really only to ourself… our true unlimited self ….that Self that is unified with all.  Then begins to arise that committedness of heart that can answer that old question…"WHY am I here?".   Our heart answers with the commitment that it IS.  

For me, I know the commitment living inside me is to Being Love for all Beings…(the kind of love that the 'The Love Declaration' languages for me)(  It took some quieting…some sorting out…to realize that protesting against Monsanto today was the best way for me in this moment to be that LOVE… both for them (as a community of misguided humans behind the faceless corporate mask) and also for all those that are currently paying the price of Monsanto's apparently total and fundamentally insane drive for control of the worlds food supply by any means possible.  

Because such insanity taken to its extreme (which Monsanto has a long history of demonstrating…that it is committed to continue doing… in its quest for political power and economic monopolistic food control) leads to an increasingly hellish and unconscious life for humanity as a whole, it is inevitable and an expression of every beings right of self-defense to stand for our true and natural freedom.  This, like all the other crises of our times, is again a test of our collective human will to be free… something that can only be attained by those willing to be also fully responsible for the hidden fact of our fundamental Unity with all life.  And of course, the path to that requires that the first thing we must be willing to be responsible for is the darkness within ourselves.  Therefore, may we each continue to place the intention of deepness upon the alter of our own purification.  As A Course in Miracles teaches:  Miracles are natural, but purification is necessary first.  

Namaste, & Sat Nam, 


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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag
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