EWJ #93 Easter 2015
O Happy Day!
Despite the world
despite false v. true
despite high v. low
despite good v. bad
despite yes v. no
despite win v. lose
despite fame v. shame
O Happy Day!
O Happy Day!
For this
is our precious...
our great power…
our authentic purpose...
our inevitable resurrection…
that u are/i am
always (meaning never not)
carrying within
this ever-pregnant-with-the-Godness life
the actual endless unity
and equally
the actual endless joy.
O Happy Day!
O Happy Day!
for this
let be raised
an anthem of thankfulness:
wokantonka hari om!
i/u/we O Happy Day!
sat nam forever praise the wholeness!
it/us/them O Happy Day!
Blessed is this! our lighted joy
in the face of the empty unknownness
Blessed is this! our lighted love
in the face of the endless ego
Blessed is this! our lighted compassion
in the face of any place still driven to hate
Blessed is this! our lighted unifiedness
in the face of being lost
Blessed is this! our inward lighted peace
in the face of Mara's chaos
Blessed is this! our heart's lighted adoration
in the face of all despair
Blessed is this! our lighted willingness to love-labor
in the face of the apparent endless suffering
Blessed is this! our deepest lighted silence
in the face of the chains of mental slavery
Blessed is this! our lighted response to purity
in the face of the chorus praising satiation
Blessed is this lightedness! our guide
in the face of our non-existence
wokantonka hari om!
i/u/we O Happy Day!
sat nam forever praise the wholeness!
it/us/them O Happy Day!
Let our joy be
Now forever
wokantonka hari om!
i/u/we O Happy Day!
sat nam forever praise the wholeness!
it/us/them O Happy Day!
Let our joy
downloaded this easter morning,
delivered to our unity arising in resurrection.
The Love Declaration
-A Covenant-
I am your partner
in awakening from fear.
From this moment on,
at all times,
under all conditions,
I declare I am
and I will be,
for All Beings,
A Conscious Source
of Absolute Love;
and I promise,
I will serve only this Love,
in you,
in me,
and in all,
no matter what,
for the rest of my life.
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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag
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