Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #92
©2015 Rev. David Seacord
February 10, 2015
Reporting "LIVE, from Hawaii"… 
It's a standard technique (yes?) when, having slipped more than a few notches out of 'weekly regularity'…. to hope that I will receive your forgiveness upon my reappearance by posting some spellbinding tale of adventure out on the high seas. (So good so far? You with me? :-)
Therefore I now appear before you to make good on such a delivery, as my ship has found a brief harbor in the tropical paradise known as The Big Island of Hawaii, specifically the magically Waipio Valley. Since your last view of me was just before Christmas, I have plenty of tale-weaving material to choose from as I update our shared blogger-like reality. Of course this is not going to be a novel or any other long form writing, so I shall of necessity be relying upon your educated abilities of reading between the lines (intuition) coupled with the spiritual discipline of NOT MAKING ANYTHING MEAN ANYTHING (as in: ACIM Lesson 2 "I have given everything I see all the meaning that it has for me") to keep us all lucid and well grounded.
But, truth be told, being in Hawaii is part of a love story… for how could it not be :-).
Thus we must begin this tale with a flashback to last October, where I found myself downloading the epiphany that I needed to radically revise my 'online dating profile' to much more authentically reflect who I know I am. Therefore in obedience I did that…. and nothing happened for over two months, and by the end of December I was (once again) pretty much 'over' internet dating…which of course was probably 'the divine plan' from the beginning.
What I had revised my profile to say, btw, was that I am a servant of the Godness, that I am called to a world-wide mission of teaching selflessness and compassion via The Love Declaration, that I had seen I had no business being 'involved' with anyone who was not interested in being a partner in that mission, and that additionally, there was absolutely zero 'job security' being offered in accepting the job of being 'a prophets partner' (which was exactly what they the reader were being invited to apply for)…except the promise of the Godness that we would be taken care of as needed.
Thus, having given up 'the search for personal love' once again, I was quite surprised when on Dec. 28th, I received a message from a retired NYC woman living in Tulum, Mexico who desired to correspond, and who felt called to find out more about my mission. My initial responses were as a courtesy only… because at first I didn't see any real possibility (she was only 2 months younger than me and I as usual was certainly looking hopefully mostly at women in their late forties and early fifties)… although I did appreciate her courage in contacting me. And in response to my responses, I was met (and have been met again and again) with one of Catherine's most consistent strengths… her nearly unfailing ability to frame almost any situation in a positive way. I began early to get a sense of why she had been a successful NYC hospital administrator, and later, the director of a Hospice organization.
She was also able to be very mature and flexible in terms of potential emotional agreements, willing to conceive of the relatedness between us being platonic as long as there was a workable, shared, and open-hearted space of connection…the kind of connection that The Love Declaration is actually all about. Thus, as she checked out whether I could walk my talk or not, we progressed through the various 'getting to know you' steps of emails sent through the dating site, then moving to emails sent directly, then moving to direct phone conversation, then to Skype, and finally to meeting her for a day in LA, and shortly after that, to my joining her here on the Big Island for ten days as a guest of her extended family in order to get to know each other in person and to continue to develop the vision.
During all this, the primary focus has remained not upon each other (ie, what we might be egoically getting), but rather upon 'the work'… the unendingly, ever-deepening question of how exactly could we visualize ourselves, in service to The Love That Is, being able to create pathways of continual transformation for both ourselves, and multitudes of other ourselves here upon this Earth. Of course there has been personal interest present too… and the development of having fun just being in each other's lives… but the primary purpose for choosing to know each other has remained 'the work' of being instruments of the Godness.
So my basic report to you is this: When you take a spirit-loving visionary dreamer artist talent like me and combine that in a platonic partnership with a spirit-loving visionary manifestor like Catherine, what you are likely to get is a lot of new possibilities waiting to be created. And this is exactly the new world I am currently looking into… a world dedicated to ending the dreaming and to powerfully entering the doing and being a being using 'the Force' for Good upon this planet. In this world both Catherine and I can see 'the Work' expanding in steady and practical ways. Right now for me personally for instance, there is the work of recording several musical albums of my original music…music that reflects and instills by their chant-like repetitions some useful keys to staying on the path. In these projects I am actively reaching out to other in-service musicians in order to make these recorded products as viable for wide-scale distribution as possible. The below photo of me with harpist Wendy Tahara (whom I originally met at the 2012 3HO Summer Solstice Gathering) was done in anticipation of performance possibilities that she and I will in the near future be working to create, beginning in the LA area---but potentially more widely, after these recording projects are done. Her harp expertise adds great musicality to my soulful yet simple compositions....  And in a few days I am arranging to have a recording session with a wonderful Sufi-attuned musician, Larry Wood, who plays accordion beautifully, and who moved to the Big Island after I met him at several dance camps that I have written about in the past.
Catherine is also powerfully encouraging me to focus on editing my many volumes of past writings (as well as to continue creating new ones), merging my paintings and writings into book-form messages and thus becoming in reality "an author who is sharing the learnings that are continually being received as a function of his own growing processes". She sees one of her functions is/will be to promote me as a lecturing author, and she also sees me leading workshops and seminars throughout the world (eventually)… seminars that will openly invite all participants to look again at the presumptions that are currently the normal cultural biases, but presumptions which instead of creating more love, create more war and more fear. She is also enthusiastic in her support of the creation of a physically located permaculture-practicing intentional community of some considerable size, a community intended to be a planetary base for this work and much other potent lightwork to arise from. In fact, a part of the reason I am her guest here at the home of her cousin in Hawaii is to explore whether such a community would be better placed in the tropics or somewhere in the more temperate climates of the US mainland. (On that subject, it has been decades since I have been in a truly tropical climate, and I am learning rapidly that there is no such place as 'perfect'. For instance, in Arizona, the problem is simply to get plants to grow---in Hawaii, the problem is to keep from being overwhelmed by how rapidly plants grow and spread.)
As is a normal part of my writing process, between the last paragraph and this one I took a break and found myself watch a powerful presentation (available to view at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2x6TEeknfo) by Dane Wittington, who has given the last 10 years of his life to researching both the reality and the effects of the geoengineering being done on a world-wide scale upon this planet by many nations, but without broad public knowledge or input. So I now resume writing this report with the impact of his report resonating within me, and also just that much clearer how important the mission of The Love Declaration is to this world. What I mean by that is simply that I see that without Love somehow/someway becoming the fundament guiding ethic of humanity and human activity, there may be no human future soon.
This simple fact (that as a result of our unconsciousness and egotism that we are actually at such a choice point and that we will not be able to avoid it by any denial of it) is probably the most difficult thing there is for our species to collectively grasp. I get that we all wish to believe that somehow something or someone other than ourself will be the one to awaken mankind to the insanity that we all know exists but which we also all know is not 'of the Godness'. Yet the truth remains that the only actual solution is that we ALL awaken, and that we ALL become fully and completely responsible for the well being of each other. What this means is that nobody can be regarded as disposable or dispensable. Martin Luther King Jr. once wrote: "Injustice anyway threatens justice everywhere." This also applies to Love, for what is injustice but institutionalized and justified lack of love? And I believe that this is what ACIM means when it teaches that 'a teacher of God' is ANYONE who recognizes that the well being of another is EQUAL to his/her own. And this exactly is the mission of the Love Declaration… to initiate (or powerfully plant) the individual into the awareness of selflessness… which is another way of saying 'recognizing the wellbeing of another as equal your own'. As nearly nothing in 'the world' gives any support to such altruism (except perhaps via lip service generally calculated to improve one's market 'image') to actually envision a worldwide movement based upon Love is a radical vision. Yet it is also absolutely necessary if our species is to quantum-evolve to a level of responsibility that would be willing to and effectively able to co-operate enough to say NO to continued planetary insanity. Of course the powers that control this planet would like to continue to divide us and pit us egoically against each other, for this makes the continuance of their behind the scenes string-pulling so much easier. And herein lies (as I see it) the true power of The Love Declaration…. because each time any being getsthat who they are actually IS completely committed to serving ONLY LOVE, and thus commits to giving up serving themselves above others, a newly freed from fear lightworker is born. And, as each lightworker arises, the spirit of Love upon this planet expands, healing the insanity of the separated-from-Source man. Thus shall we choose to quantum-evolve.
The Love Declaration
-A Covenant-
I am your partner
in awakening from fear.
From this moment on,
at all times,
under all conditions,
I declare I am
and I will be,
for All Beings,
A Conscious Source
of Absolute Love;
and I promise,
I will serve only this Love,
in you,
in me,
and in all,
no matter what,
for the rest of my life.
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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag