Sunday, September 1, 2013

EWJ #38 New Beginnings....

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A small 5" x 7" recent acrylic on canvas painting, © 2013 Rev. David Seacord

Everyman's WEEKLY Journal #38
© 2013 Rev. David Seacord
August 25, 2013
New Beginnings ….

Writing (just a few hours late for my Sunday morning ideal schedule, yes?) from a coffee shop hotspot in Moss Landing, CA….  Back in 2001 my musician & painter friend David Stowell lived in this often foggy little Monterey Bay harbor town and shared his digital recording equipment with me for a week.  That created an unreleased 'album'… in fact, all the downloadable music I offer on the 'Free Music' page at was born at those sessions.  Anyway, it's my first time back through the area in over a decade.  I've loved the visit (following the California 1 highway south along the Pacific coast from Marin County), and am now heading into the Big Sur to camp and paint for a few days before showing some art in LA and then heading back to Yuma to make sure the 'mom's place' I have been calling 'home' is still there after 2 1/2 months on the spiritual adventure road.  

Coming off my Mt. Shasta vision-quest, I can see that although there is going to be a good amount of travel still in my new life focused on getting the Love Declaration into the hands of at least a billion people (over the next several years and in many translations) it will also be necessary to create an office base.  For now (as long as my mother is committed to living in her own home) that is probably Yuma, but I would love to see it located in an intentionally created agrarian/healing community.  That in due time, and as the Godness wills….

Luckily, I am returning southward with the empowerment of a sizable art sale Friday evening to a wonderful Sacramento area couple who have been steady collectors of my work for maybe seven years now.  They just added 10 more of the small originals I have painted over the summer to their collection.  Each annual visit to their home deepens my appreciation of the gift my paintings give others in their homes…., it is actually very humbling to (for instance) be escorted to a wall where the piece of paper they bought last year now was hanging just exquisitely framed, creating a beauty that stunned me.  I had had no idea is would turn out so magnificently.  Pinch me… good lord, are you sure "I" painted that?!!!  Answer:  'not really, but you did get empty enough for it to be born in spite of everything'….

Synchronicity has been a regular visitor since my new heart arrived on the mountain…  leaving Shasta I was intuitively led to--i.e., heard about, was guided to, or just found on my own following hunches-- three different pure mountain streams to enter… like a triple baptism…. then the next day my ritual of foraging the northern Sacramento valley for wild fig trees produced a large box of this beautiful alkaline healing fruit which I am now sharing with the world I am passing through...

Passing through Santa Cruz late yesterday I suddenly remembered that one of my original 1980's partners in the first Love Declaration mission lived there… he's a wonderful musican/songwriter named Steven Walters, whose first music CD was a live recording of a 1995 concert that I produced for him in Santa Fe as a wedding gift to him and his first wife (whom he co-parents with currently).  I felt to call him, and magic started happening immediately, as the timing was such that I just had time to arrive at his home and take a quick shower before his guests arrived to the dinner he was preparing for them, and at which he introduced and announced his engagement to his current beloved Jena, a lovely German healer that he had met several years ago when abroad on concert tours.   A lot of the dinner conversation was their reporting on their journey… two beings in deep recognition and resonance with each other but living on separate continents, and with seemingly impossible circumstances preventing an easy coming together.  Yet, because of the trueness of the love, they did the slow growth journey of raising their own families from their separate homes and still over several years each making multiple trips to each others homelands  and working and working to create the possibility of a holy union despite the obstacles.  I was very privileged to be a 'chance' witness to the evenings precious moments of my friends life changing announcements… and it obviously cancelled all of the questioning that my head had run earlier in the day about why had I chosen this particularly extra-long route back home.  

Steven was also scheduled to be the special musical guest at a local Santa Cruz new thought worship service this morning, so I gratefully accepted the invite of some of Steven's friends to put me up overnight in their six bedroom old victorian urban community house, and then this morning went to the service to listen to his wonderful original songs, AND (it turns out) to also listen to one of the best sermons on rising to your soul's greatest heights that I have hear in a very long time.  I experienced the talk as another confirmation (with great how-to instructions) of my choice to honor my Self fully as a voice for Good, for the reality of the Godness, and of again choosing to accept my mission with The Love Declaration.  Of course I was on the mission right then too, leaving copies of the Declaration in the possession of several dozen people…  

So, as Rev. Debrorah shared this morning, 'life is unlimited good waiting for each of us to choose it… whether we find it or not depends on what we are looking for.  There is agreement and evidence available for absolutely any point of view we choose, positive or negative.'  My seeing is that it is an existential act of courage to choose to create a life based on the stand that nothing is IMPOSSIBLE…  years ago I realized that that is what all great people actually do… that in spite of all appearance to the contrary, they chose to live a life dedicated to creating the best possible world they were/are able to envision.  Clearly, in the world The Love Declaration envisions, none of us would be enemies… no one would spend (waste) their lives hating and justifying and perpetuating their hatreds… and greed (the blind love of power and money) would not run the world.  All of us would know our oneness with each other, not the illusions of our supposed separateness.  It is time, and has been for a long time, for those with heart's of love to be the healer-warriors of the Good.  Let us prepare ourselves for this by simply being true--- to the one Self that we all share.  For each action done in truth and with love builds our personal foundation of being an unhid brighter and brighter light in this Universe.  Let us courageously live lives worth living.  A-men.  

Much Love, Namaste, & Sat Nam….


PS… Especially for those who are new readers of this Journal, I announce that I've just also uploaded to my Blogger archives ( the last 15 +/- editions of EWJournal (I almost couldn't believe I'd let the archiving get that far behind…my apologies…)  so that anyone curious or wishing to review/re-read these writings may easily do so.   For your perusal, here are a number of the past titles from the last several months….  

EWJ #37 Finding My Soul's "Yes!"

EWJ #36 Spirit lessons....

EWJ #35 Practicing 'letting go'...

EWJ #34 The Miracle of an Apology...

EWJ #33 And other further adventures...

EWJ #32 And the point was....?

EWJ #31 Arrested...& Suddenly Homeless...

EWJ #30 Facing the Fire...

EWJ #29 Down to the Wire...

EWJ #28 Brief Windows

EWJ # 27 Following the flow...

EWJ #26 Standing FOR....

EWJ #25 Shakti

EWJ #24 Recognizing Ourselves as Each Other...

EWJ #23 A Journey Back to India…

EWJ #22 Parables & Aphorisms

EWJ # 21 The Poet and the Warrior

EWJ #20 A Brand New View

EWJ #19 Being True

EWJ #18 The Path of Small Wins

EWJ #17 Self Responsibility

EWJ #16/ Like Rumi...


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Rev. David Seacord
Fine Art Painter / Sufi Cherag

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